научные труды

LIST of scientific works for 2010-2011 of Davletbayeva Nazgul Bakytovna № Аuthors Title Publisher’s imprint 1 Davletbayeva N. B., Osik Y. I. Ermakhanova S.M., Tybin А.М. «The role of negative incentives in motivation of work activity» Economics. Philosophy. Pedagogics. Law: Read more …



The department «Enterprise management» is situated on the 2 floor in IV building of KSTU, (aud 224 and 209). The address: Karaganda, Boulevard of Peace 56, phone: 56-75-94 (2036). Е-mail: e.polyaeva@kstu.kz Department manager: cand. of economic Sciences, docent Davletbaeva Nazgul Bakytovna Read more …


Оur graduates

Мурзаханова Сауле Ахметовна

Murzahanova Saule Akhmetovna was born in Karaganda (07/24/1952). In 1974 she graduated from the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, speciality “Economics and Mechanical Engineering “, qualified “engineer – economist.” In 1975-1979 was elected a member of the Komsomol committee of KPTI, worked Read more …



The chair of the economic theory has been formed in 1962 as a result of division of chair of Marxism-Leninism in which structure since 1953 teachers of chair of political economy worked. It has headed the skilled head, Cand.Econ.Sci. Rahlis Read more …



The goal of the department of EM: Ensuring a high level of training bachelor in the specialties 5B050700 “Management” and 5B051000 “State and local government,” masters in the specialty 6M051000 “State and local government” which having met the requirements of Read more …
