Advice you to read

Advice you to read The Institute of mentoring, problems of effectiveness To the question about student mentoring Problems of organization curatorial work at the University Prevention of alcoholism Healthy lifestyle Non-traditional movements in religion Kazakhstan on the way to knowledge Read more …


Students’ life at hostel

Студенческая жизнь в общежитии 28.09.12 г. в 18:00 прошел  конкурс, организованный институтом экономики «HOSTELSTAR» среди талантов общежития КарГТУ. В мероприятии приняли участие 20 человек, которые в дальнейшем разбились на пять команд. Ребятам давались различные задания, которые им необходимо было выполнить Read more …


The work of Curatorial Council

The work of Curatorial Council September 28, 2012, at 12.40 was held curatorial council of Institute of Economics, there were Chairman of Council of curators Osspanova D.T., Director of Institute of Economics N.A. Alpyssbayeva, Deputy Director of Institute of Economics Read more …
