Advanced training courses within the framework of the Comprehensive Development Program of the KTU for 2021

Professional development of KTU employees Improvement of pedagogical skills (from 11.22.2021 to 11.27.2021) – for KTU teaching staff Modern management technologies in education and entrepreneurship (06.12.2021 to 10.12.2021) – for youth personnel reserve, administrative and administrative support staff Archive of advanced Read more …


Training courses on the comprehensive program of development of KSTU for 2020

Information about Programs of additional education from 01.02.2020  till 30.06.2020 Seminar “Modern pedagogical technologies in the system of professional education” for undergraduates studying in scientific and pedagogical magistracy (27.04.2020-02.05.2020)         Registration form Орта білім беру ұйымдарының, колледждер мен жоғары Read more …


Implementing the principles of collective responsibility

SCHEDULE “Implementing the principles of collective responsibility” Topic 1. Эффективность корпоративного управления Assignment on Topic 1 should be sent to the teacher or to Topic 2. Эффективные механизмы принятия коллективных решений Tasks on Topic 2 Assignment on Topic 1 should be Read more …


Problem-oriented learning

Materials on the topic: lecture material: ПРОБЛЕМНОЕ ОБУЧЕНИЕ presentation: Проблемное обучение Work 5: give an example for each type of problem situation in the disciplines taught (6 examples). The task in MS Word to send by mail:  


SMART – learning Technologies

Topic presentation: Что такое МООК Подготовка и планирование МООК   Materials for practical classes: Педагогический сценарий открытого онлайн – курса Педагогический сценарий открытого онлайн – курса  with explanation Педагогический сценарий открытого онлайн – курса Example  
