The science Committee reports that in the period from 23 to 25 June 2015 in Astana in the Palace of schoolchildren planned three-day international seminar on ” Capacity Building Workshop on Inquiry Based Science Education” organized jointly with the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ECO Science Foundation (ECOSF), the Foundation “La main a la pate” (LAMAP), France, International centre for Science Technology and Innovation (ISTIC) in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), ECO Educational Institute in Ankara (Turkey) and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB).
The purpose of the seminar – training of Kazakh youth, committed to science to interact with scientific ideas, formulating and implementing research projects.
The number of participants from each organization can have up to five people. Opening of the seminar is planned for June 23, 2015, with the participation of Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Participants will need to arrive in Astana on June 22, 2015, and depart in the evening of June 25, 2015 or June 26, 2015, All the expenses are paid by the sending part.
In this regard, we ask you to nominate stakeholders (not older than 40, and preferably with knowledge of English) to participate in the seminar.
Detailed information can be obtained from the Department of science (main building, room 226, tel 56-68-22, int. 2226)