Brain-ring on the theme “Youth against Corruption” among students of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

On October 19, 2023 in “Business skills park” among students of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University held a game “Brain-ring” on the topic “Youth against corruption”.

The aim of the game: corruption prevention, formation of anti-corruption culture, the principle of “zero tolerance” to all forms of offenses, involvement of young people in the fight against corruption, demonstration of active citizenship.

The event was attended by representatives of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Combating Corruption (Anti-Corruption Service) in Karaganda region, Compliance Service, teachers, heads of structural divisions and students of the university.

The game consisted of three stages, during which the participants performed various thematic tasks in the field of corruption prevention and counteraction. According to the results of the game, the winners were awarded diplomas and certificates.

The first-degree diploma was awarded to students of the AiU-21-2 group Amangeldin A., Amanzhol E., Bagramov A., Kanagat E. (Forseti team, head – senior lecturer of the APK&SHD Department Zhumatova G.M.).
