
5V070100 – “BIOTECHNOLOGY .” In 2008, the Karaganda State Technical University has received a license to conduct educational activities in the specialty 5V070100 – “Biotechnology.” Biotechnology – a production of biological agents (microorganisms, plant cells, animal cells, cell parts: cell membrane, ribosomes, mitochondria, chloroplasts) to produce valuable products and execution of transformations. In biotechnological processes such as biological macromolecules are used as ribonucleic acid (DNA, RNA), proteins – mostly enzymes. Specialty “Biotechnology” on the basis of the KSTU offers three specialization training:

  • Plant biotechnology;
  • Bioenergotehnologiya;
  • Environmental Biotechnology.

After completing a degree graduates 5V070100 – “Biotechnology” can work in pharmaceutical factories, the company “reagent”, National Center for Biotechnology, biotech firms, etc. at factories producing organic substances and materials, processing of coal.

Term – 4 years – «Biology»

Optional subject: Biology
