
The event “Az-Nauryz” dedicated to the Nauryz holiday was held at the University. The event consisted of several competitions: in the sports competition,  students from the “House of Students”, “Armandastar ordasy” and “dormitories No.3” competed in such sports as lifting weights, tug of war, audarispak, according to the results of the competition, the dormitory “House of Students” took the 1st place, and the dormitory No.3 – 2 place, and “Armandastar ordasy” took 3rd place; in the competition of traditions, our students competed in showing traditions, customs, dances, cuisine of Georgian, Afghan peoples. According to the results of the event, the dormitory “House of students” took 1st place, “dormitory No.3” – 2nd place, “Armandastar ordasy” – 3rd place.
