KARAGANDA STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY ACАDEMIC CALENDAR for 2013 – 2014 ACADEMIC YEAR Consultation with advisor Weekly, Friday Students’ enrolment to university 10-25 August Constitution Day 30 August First year students and graduates registration for disciplines 25 – 26 August FALL Read more …


Educational work

  Educational work Educational work of the VT department is delivered in accordance to the plan based on the Model of patriotic education. All the members of department teaching staff are tutors of academic groups. Educational work of the epartment Read more …



Аddress: st.Karaganda, World of Parkway, 56, the 1 case, an office 602,604 Working phone: 8(7212) 56-58-62 (add. 1110,1122) E-mail: Reception time on private matters: Tuesday, Thursday from 15:00 till 17:00



  Relay race for the prize of Industrial Karaganda May 14th, 2013 May 4, 2013 held 68 relay race for the prize of the newspaper Idustrialnaya Karaganda attended men’s and women’s teams at the University, which performed well in the Read more …


Academic work

The timetable of spring semester for 2013-2014 academic year КАРАГАНДИНСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ АКАДЕМИЧЕСКИЙ КАЛЕНДАРЬ на 2013 – 2014 УЧЕБНЫЙ ГОД Собеседование с эдвайзерами Еженедельно по пятницам Зачисление студентов в вуз 10-25 августа День Конституции 30 августа Регистрация студентов и Read more …



Scientific work of chair The basic results of the executed scientific works on chair and their introduction in educational process and preparation of scientific and pedagogical shots. On chair four scientific themes Republics Kazakhstans financed by the Ministry of Education Read more …



Military-technical faculty is created, on the grounds of decisions scientist advice protocol  5 from January 30 2009 y, order of the rector   118 from February 04   2009 y. In composition of the faculty are enclosed: military pulpit, pulpit of the Read more …
