Educational programs

Mine surveying and geodesy department DEPARTMENT OF MINE SURVEYING AND GEODESY TRAINS BACHELORS AND POSTGRADUATES IN SEVERAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: BACHELOR DEGREE: 6B07206 “Mine surveying”. 6B07302 “Geodesy and cartography”  6B07302 “Digital aerial photography” MASTER’S DEGREE: 7M07305 “Remote sensing of the earth” 7M07205 Read more …


History of MS&G department

Mine surveying and geodesy department THE HISTORY OF SURVEYING DEPARTMENT The department was created in 1953 for studying of all-engineering disciplines ( surveying and mine surveying) by the students of mining and building specialities. Only since 1958 the department began training of Read more …


Educational work

Mine surveying and geodesy department To educate students is to diversify the personality of the future specialist with higher education, which has high culture, intelligence, social activities, the nature of the citizen-patriot. The main task is to create conditions for Read more …


About the Depatrment

Surveying and topography department   The Surveying department was established in 1953 and trains specialists with bachelor and masters degree: Bachelor  – 6B07206 “Surveying business”; – 6B07302 “Geodesy and cartography” along the trajectory “Applied Geodesy” and “Cartography”; – 6B07303 “Digital Read more …



Mine surveying and geodesy department Scientific work of the department Direction of the scientific research work: “Control of geomechanical processes in the the open pits”. Agreements on carrying out the SRW are  concluded with the next mining enterprises: “Kazakhmys corporation”; Read more …


The head of department

Mine surveying and geodesy department Yelena Nikolayevna Khmyrova Head of Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy Karaganda Technical University (KTU) Yelena Khmyrova works at the department of Mine surveying and geodesy since 1988. In 1987 she graduated from KPTI majoring Read more …


Mine surveying and geodesy department

Main Specialities Educational process Educational work International cooperation Science Individual faculty page The head of department History of the department Our graduates Contacts Alumni association Employers feedback Gallery Laser Geoscanning Center Academic mobility Certificates The department of “Mine Surveying and Read more …


Feedback from employers and scientists

Mine surveying and geodesy department Emloyers of our students are large surveying and mining enterprises: JSC “Karaganda GIIZ and K *, JSC “Azimut”, BPH “Karaganda NPTszem”, Urban cadastre, RSCE “Tsentrmarksheyderiya LLP, “Kazakhmys Corporation” LLP, AP JSC “Arcelor Mittal Steel Temirtau, Read more …
