
Summary Head’s CV Lihachev V.V. The manager of chair, к.t.s. Has finished the Karaganda state technical university, by specialty «Electrification and Automation of mining» as a «Mining engineer-Electrician». Kan O.A. The senior lecturer. In 1971 has finished faculty of automatics and Read more …


The international activity

In June 2010, the scientists have arrived from Israel and Germany at the invitation of department. Visit first Vice-Rector Isagulov A.Z. Presentation of the doctor Mester D.I. with report (Israel) Presentation of the professor Gatsuts V. M (Germany) For foreign Read more …



Важный вклад в решение вопросов повышения ресурса, на­дежности и эффективности работы шахтных подъемных машин внесли различные научные школы горной механики, которые отра­жают концепцию, что шахтную подъемную установку необходимо представлять как единую совокупность взаимосвязанных элемен­тов. Исследования в этой области необходимо проводить Read more …


List of scientific papers

List of scientific and methodical works of V. Likhachev for the period from 2009 to 2011 year № Title of work Kind of work Publisher, journal (name, number, year) Amount (printed sheets) The joint authors’s names 1 2 3 4 Read more …


Head’s CV

Likhachev Vladimir Viktorovich, the Head of Department, c.t.s (2010). Lihachev graduated from the Karaganda State Technical University in 1989 by speciality « Electrification and и automation of mountain works». Likhachev acted to internal postgraduate study to KSTU in 1989. In Read more …



The department is in 1 educational case, 157 office. Chair manager: Cand.Tech.Sci. Lihachev Vladimir Viktorovich (# 1 educational case of KarGTU, aud. 231). Phone: 8(7212) 56-52-35 E-mail:



[17.03.2012] March 17, 2012, there was the intra high school quiz on information technologies of ЕРАМ Systems – 2012 among the students of 1-4 courses and masters KSTU., by  LLP «PLUSMIKRO» ЕРАМ Systems competence centre in Kazakhstan. Participants of a Read more …


Department’s history

In September, 2008 under the decision of University administration and the Academic council of KarSTU the computer science department had been organized. By the first managing department had been appointed c.e.s., senior lecturer Sultanova B.K. In connection with appointment of Read more …


Carrying out competitions

Formation of creative thinking is one of the fundamental principles of learning. Active learning and development thinking occurs only when there is a problem, encouraging the search for new, innovative solutions. KSTU organizes international and regional remote Olympiad in Informatics Read more …
