The student competition in the USMU

Dmitry Polyakov and Sergey Poddymnikov participated in the student competition “Hydraulic machines, hydraulic and pneumatic”, which was held in the USMU. Their head was teacher Reshetnikova O.S. The boys won the second place!               Read more …


The specialized accreditation

Zholdybaeva G.S. is a head of the department MMandE, participated in the specialized accreditation of educational programs 5B072400 – “Technological machinery and equipment” in the Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas.                   Read more …


MS’C postgraduate education

Требования к содержанию образования РУП разрабатывается на учебный год на основе ТУПa специальности и ИУПов магистрантов и утверждается руководителем организации образования на основании  решения ученого совета. В РУПе определяется перечень дисциплин на учебный год и их трудоемкость в кредитах, порядок Read more …


Our graduates

Kappasov Nakyp Kappasovich – Director of the branch. He was born on the farm to them. Saken Seifullin Jana-Arka district of Karaganda region. In 1966 he enrolled at the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute and graduated in 1971. He started working at Read more …



Research  Laboratory  of  the  Department    of  “Mountain  cars  and  the  equipment”   The  main  processes  through  which  implemented  activities  of  the  university  as  a  whole  are  educational,  methodical,  scientific  research,  educational  process. Research  work  in  the  laboratory  allows  undergraduates  to  Read more …


Academic process

Work curriculum EMCDT list Material resources SSL TIMETABLE OF CONSULTATION HOURS Curriculum of employments: 1 course: ГМ-14-1, ГМ-14-2 2 course: ГМ-13-1, ГМ-13-2 3 course: ГМ-12-1, ГМ-12-2 4 course: Гм-11-1, ГМ-11-2, ГМ-11-3 The time required for the control a landmark of Read more …



Сотрудники кафедры ГМ и О Malybaev Nurlan Sakenovich supervisor department of Mining machinery and equipment, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor. In 1993 he graduated with honors from KarPTI specialty “Mining machines and systems.” He lectures on the subject “The Read more …



Раздел Name of leaders Тобы Апта сайын Бітірушілердің күні Охрана труда Доц. Сапарова Г.К. ГМ-10-1 Вторник 1055-1240 Ст.преп. Ералин А.Н. ГМ-10-2,3 Среда 1055-1240 Промышленная экология Ст.преп. Сейтбеков С.А. ГМ-10-1,2,3 Понедельник 900-1200 Экономика Ст.преп. Асылова К.М. ГМ-10-1 Четверг 900-1200 Доц. Тнимов Read more …


Schedule of master classes

Schedule of master classes № Group Сurator Date of performance Тopic 1 ГМ-11-1 АБДУГАЛИЕВА Г.Б 28.04.2014 13.10-14.00 1-180 ҰИ.А.Янцен – жол-құрылыс институты ғылыми мектебілімің негізің қалаушы


Scientific works

No Name Work character Publishing house, journal (name, number, year) Co-authors 1 Without expert method of evaluation quarry transport systems in the technical level hardcopy The problems of quarry transport. Proceedings of the international scientific conference. Yekaterinburg, 2002, – 257 Read more …
