AR09058350 «Development and implementation of technology for the production of chromium antifriction cast iron for parts of mining equipment» s.w. Shcherbakova E.P. Relevance A number of parts for mining equipment are made from chromium cast iron. Despite the significant Read more …
Information of the state budget funding projects for 2022-2024 with execution period of 30 months
Абаева Н.Ф. Балабаев О.Т. Имашев А.Ж. Исатаева Ф.М. Нешина Е.Г.
Information of the state budget funding projects for 2021-2023
AP09260338 “Developing the potential of innovative training of engineers through STEAM education”, p.m. Jantassova D.D. Relevance The object of the study is the higher education system with the focus on improving the quality of education through the integration of Read more …
Information on state budget financing projects for the “Zhas Galym” -1 project for 2022-2024.
2024_1_Жумабекова А.Е 2024_1_Мадишева Р.К. 2024_1_Суимбаева А.М. 2024_1_Халикова Э.Р.
Information of the state budget funding projects of young scientists Zhas Galym-2 for 2022-2024
Мусин А. Балпанова М.Ж. Матаев А.Қ. Маусымбаева А.Д.
Information of young scientists for Zhas Galym-1 project for 2022-2024
AP13268891 “Development of effective technological schemes for the extraction of low-power deposits, ensuring a reduction in ore dilution, taking into account the geomechanical state of the rock mass” project manager Suimbaeva A.M. Relevance The relevance of the problem of creating Read more …
Information of the state budget funding projects of young scientists for 2022-2024
АР 13067779 “Study of mineralogical and geochemical features of sediments of the Karaganda coal basin in order to identify products of explosive volcanism in coals” – p.m. Kopabaeva А.N.
Head of foreign languages departmentat Abylkas Saginov KTU read course of lectures for students of Romanian-American University

Active international activity at Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University is carried out within the framework of 150 agreements and memorandums of cooperation with universities from 24 countries of the world. The University actively participates in international scientific and educational projects Read more …
On the defense of the doctoral dissertation of Mullagaliyeva Liliya Fandusovna
The defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD by Mullagaliyeva Liliya Fandusovna on the topic ” Research and development of new methods of impact on the coal seam to increase gas recovery, taking into Read more …
On the defense of the doctoral dissertation of Muratuly Berikbol
The defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD Muratuly Berikbol on the topic “Geomechanical substantiation of the tehnology of pillars in the combined development of contiguous steeply dipping ore bodies under conditions of Ushkatyn” Read more …