On August 09, 2023, a meeting of the Abylkas Saginov KTU Commission was held for selecting applicants to study abroad as part of academic mobility at the expense of the republican budget

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan allocated 9 places to Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University to study at foreign universities in European countries as part of academic mobility.

Based on the results of the Commission meeting, after considering the submitted applications, the main and the backup lists of students who passed the competition for training as part of academic mobility were determined. Among the 19 submitted applications, the Commission selected 9 applicants for the main list, 6 applicants were included in the backup list. According to the “Rules of sending to study abroad, including those within the framework of academic mobility”, the applicants were evaluated according to three main selection criteria:

  • the level of the foreign language proficiency;
  • academic performance for sending to the bachelor’s degree program;
  • availability of incentive awards (national and international levels).

      The main list:

  • Samchuk Nadezhda Andreyevna, 4th year “Production of building materials, products and structures”
  • Beckerman Kristina Vyacheslavovna, 2nd year “Information security systems”
  • Mubarakova Aruzhan Yerbolkyzy, 4th year “IT medicine”
  • Tussupova Anel Askarovna, 2nd year “Information security systems”
  • Abduahit Lina Bagdatkyzy, 2nd year “Information security systems”
  • Berdimurat Imangali Aymaratuly, 4th year “Embedded digital control systems”
  • Kostyukova Yelizaveta Sergeyevna, 4th year “Architecture”
  • Abdrakhmanov Mukhamedkarim Kadyrovich, 4th year “Information security systems”
  • Nukerbekova Dilara Anuarkyzy, 2nd year “Architecture”

    The backup list:

  • Mukan Ayazhan Kairatkyzy, 2nd year “Industrial Economics”
  • Perederish Artem Alexandrovich, 2nd year “Construction”
  • Yessenbekova Gauhar Kuanovna, 2nd year “Biotechnology”
  • Zhaksylykbekova Merey Rinatovna, 2nd year “Life safety and environmental protection”
  • Serikuly Almas, 4th year “Transport, transport equipment and technologies”
  • Darbayeva Zaira Daniyarkyzy, 3rd year “Automation and control”