Articles January 2014

Higher education in Russia 2013, 10 number

A system of assessment of students ‘ academic achievements as a tool for management and control

Some questions of modernization of engineering education

The formation of a new model of professional education imperative of post-industrial development

Experience in management training

Educational and methodical complex of  Department of chemistry

Experiment as a method to study the effectiveness of practices and innovations in higher education

Philosophy of science in engineering University: a practice-oriented approach

Innovative function the modern technical University

Estimation of efficiency of educational process model, focused on the formation of readiness of students of technical universities to research activity

Psychology lecture article 8

Rector of the University 2013, 9 number

IT technologies in the system of University management

Time to ask and time to answer…

The efficiency of the educational process

Course of innovative entrepreneurship: from project to realization

Yevgeny Velikhov: «it is Important to organize the transition period»

The updated criteria and unaccounted proposals

New education for new Russia

University  book 2013, 9 number

System of electronic legal Deposit in the UK

The scientific Council 2013, 10 number

Reformatting of the Russian media education as a vital pedagogical task

The innovative strategy of education and science

The creators of the ratings were unduly influence strategies universities
