Articles from periodicals for June 2016

Science and life 2016 No. 5
The magnetic response of the “bad cells”

Informatics and education 2016 No. 1
The problem of evaluation of educational achievements:technology E-portfolio

The education 2016 No. 1
Can a University education to change a person?

Always online: the use of mobile technology and social networking with modern teenagers at home and school

Interview with Harvard University Professor Manya Klemenčič

Interview with Professor of University of Lancaster Paul Ashwin

Do anti-corruption awareness campaign the impact on students?

Model high school, focused on the age characteristics of students : results of implementation

Managing income from the endowments in universities

“And never the TWAIN shall meet?”

Alma mater 2016 No. 5
Save youth for the future

The global challenge of extremism

Extremism: the security risks of the individual sources, factors and conditions

Technology to counter extremism

Youth extremism: concept, nature, countermeasures

Technologies of counteraction to youth extremism in the context of globalization

The role of internationalization of education in the upbringing of the citizen of the world

Education and training: a means of overcoming extremism

Higher education as the antithesis of youth extremism (Sotsialno-philosophical view)

XXI century through the eyes of Russian youth

The state youth policy of the Russian Federation: strategic development guidelines

Effective state youth policy is a means of prevention of youth extremism

State youth policy: Russian and foreign experience of overcoming extremism

The problem of extremism in the youth environment in conditions of social transformations

Extremism through the eyes of a provincial student

Culture as a factor of strengthening the social order and counteraction to youth extremism

Ethno-confessional dialogue as a tool to prevent extremism in the youth environment

Religious attitudes as a mechanism of formation of youth extremism

ИГИЛ1:Extremistische product without age restrictions

Youth extremism in social networks: specificity and theoretical understanding

The role of the media in countering youth extremism and terrorism

The Internet factor in the value development of the youth of Russia

Youth extremism and the cultural and linguistic identity in the XXI century

The influence of Religious radicalism on today’s youth: the emergence of the problem, its current status and reflection in the media

The rector 2016 No. 4
Status and prospects of development of higher education in the Russian Federation

Eurasian national University named after L. N. Gumilev-“the Heavyweight among young universities

Practice-oriented training – the priority of the state policy in the field of engineering education

On increase of prestige of higher professional education

A new reporting system on employment of graduates of higher education institutions: advantages and disadvantages

Place applied baccalaureate in the system of continuous technical education

Highly qualified scientific personnel and human capital of the country: a study of interdependence

How to block the “brain drain” abroad through innovation

Education for all: a new course-a new law!

The dismantling of sovereignty

Higher education in Russia to 2016 No. 4
On the application of the CDIO approach to design-level programs in engineering education

About the prestige of higher technical education in Russia

Some of the issues of development and implementation of educational programs in a technical University

Integration of education, science and production: model Blankevoort

Employment in the specialty in the region

Temporal characteristics and contradictions of the student youth as the age of community

“The quality of University life: the example of the adaptation methods in a Russian University

The space of the personal and professional development of student youth

University as a competitive academic organization

Tutor support educational developments in the training system

Pedagogy 2016 No. 3
Education in the modern educational paradigm

The design of the system of methodical maintenance of educational standards

Audit of education quality Management of formation of professional mobility of graduates in technical universities

Modern education 2016год No. 1
To the question about single innovation for admission to the universities and the problem of UNT

The structure requires correction

Entrepreneurial University: what will it be?

The goal is world level
