Admission of students

National research nuclear University «MEPhI», Higher school of physicists named after N.G. Basov and Institute of magistracy announce the admission of students

Enrollment on the 6th semester of the current academic year

Higher school of physicists named after N.G. Basov (HCF) MEPhI with 01.10.2013 year announces a competition for the admission of students for training to the 6 semester of 2013/2014 academic year. Students who have passed the competitive selection, provided the opportunity to transfer to the high school of physicists named after N.G. Basov MEPhI for further study with 6 semester 3 course 2013/2014  academic year.

The training budget with 6 semester in the HCF students-state employees of the state universities, technical universities, academies and institutes were successfully trained in the amount of two and a half courses for bachelor’s programmes. In 2013/2014 academic year admission is carried out on the following directions of a bachelor degree:


Direction                                                                                Profile

Nuclear physics and technology                         Physics of condensed States of matter

Nuclear physics and technology                         Physics of atomic nucleus and particles

Nuclear physics and technology                         Plasma physics

Nuclear physics and technology                         Physics of the microwave and heterostructure electronics

Applied mathematics and Informatics              Mathematical modeling

Documents to be presented in the HCF for participation in competition:

– characteristic-recommendation signed by rector of the University and the official stamp;

– application form addressed to the rector of MEPhI signed off by the Dean;


– certificate of learning (budget/paid basis) indicating the direction of the educational and study period, signed off by Dean;

– extract from the gradebook for 4 semesters training (per semester);

– the list of disciplines with the form studied in 5 semester;

– medical certificate (form 086-y) and a copy of the certificate of vaccinations.

– pictures of Matt 3 x 4 (12 pieces) and 4 x 6 (6 pieces);

– essay on the chosen direction and profile.

Electronic copies of forms of documents on the website of the HCF Built package of documents should be sent to the address of MEPhI до15.12.2013, The statement must specify contact phone numbers, home and mobile, and email address. Mandatory report on a theme related to the selected direction and profile, is it necessary to send to 15.12.2013 year. Additionally, you need to send electronic copies of collected documents and the abstract by e-mail:

Master MEPhI

Right of admission to the magistracy of MEPI on a competitive basis are citizens of Russia or the countries of the near abroad, having the diploma of bachelor, specialist and master. Reception in Institute of magistracy MEPhI on the first course in 2014/2015 academic year is carried out according to the modern trends of personnel training, including:


The direction of preparation                           Master’s programs

Physics                                                                       Medical physics

Nuclear physics and technologies                  Laser physics, nuclear physics and space physics and other

Material science and

technology of materials                                      Nanostructured materials

Applied mathematics and Informatics           Mathematical modeling

Applied mathematics and physics                   Mathematical physics and mathematical modeling

Detailed information about the areas, which are under set, is presented at the website MEPhI

Acceptance of documents for enrollment will be implemented from June 20 to August 15, 2014. Preliminary applications wishing to enroll in the Institute of magistracy of MEPI are accepted by e-mail

Electronic copies of the forms, application for admission to graduate and autobiography posted on the website of the Institute of magistracy at MEPhI

Training program includes the close relationship between the educational process and research work of students. Undergraduates on the basis of individual approach are engaged in scientific work in the framework of preparation of the dissertation in the leading laboratories of the national research nuclear University MEPhI, and also institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN, IOFAN), National scientific centres of the JINR, RSC «Kurchatov Institute»), and other graduates of the Institute take an active part in Russian and international conferences, youth schools in advanced areas of science. Contact information: 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 31, MEPhI, Dean of the HCF and the Institute of masters of MEPI. Fax, phone: (499) 725-24-06, TV von: (499) 323-90-19. E-mail:

Packages of documents download 

Packages of documents for graduate download

