“Adal adam – Adal enbek – Adal tabys”

Under this motto, the grand opening of the Year of Working Professions was held at the College of Innovative Technologies of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University, which took place on February 19. The college management has surprised with the high level of organization of such events more than once. And this time they did not lose face.

Tattimbet Academic Orchestra of Kazakh Folk Instruments, invited to the opening of the Year of Working Professions, created a truly festive atmosphere in the university assembly hall, where invited students and teachers from city schools, representatives of the regional governor and manufacturing enterprises gathered.

Speakers at the opening included the Chairman of the Board – Rector of Abylkas Saginov KTU S. Sagintayeva, guests of honor – the recently appointed head of Youth Policy for  Karaganda Region A. Erniyazova, Deputy Head of the Education Department of the Karaganda Region A. Shalabayeva, Head of the Educational and Methodological center for education development of  Karaganda Region B. Abdikerova; as well as Member of the Board – Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs B. Nussupbekov and others warmly congratulated all those present on the opening of the Year of Working Professions. Each of them emphasized the special importance of working professions in the development and strengthening of the country’s economy. Surely, everyone remembered the bold call of Aisulu Erniyazova to those who decided to continue the glorious traditions of the intelligentsia and workers of the Karaganda region – to become the founders of new trends that raise the prestige of working professions.

“And in this matter,” she assured, “those who elected them can secure every possible support from her.”

N. Smagulova, the director of the College of Innovative Technologies, spoke about the opportunities that the College of Innovative Technologies opens up for its students. Having reported that 9 years ago they started their work with 51 students, she noted that currently more than 700 students are studying in the college in 15 specialties. A specially prepared video introduced the participants of the event to the students’ daily routine and the technical equipment of the college, which receives great assistance from the university.

The event continued with presentations from leading specialists of partner companies: S. Siliyshcheva from Karaganda Energy Center LLP, U.Abekov from Karaganda Foundry and Mechanical Plant (KLMZ), M. Pavlova from KAZPROM ENGINEERING, Yu. Khovintal from Karaganda Turbomachine Plant, D. Palmina from AsiArt, D. Remma from Ukrproekt-2006, and Yu. Ogorodnikova from Terekonovaya Dolina. Even from this list, one can imagine the wide range of options available to prospective students. All presentations were supported by video presentations that gave the students an insight into specific trades.

Interestingly, almost all of the specialists presenting their companies started with manual professions. And the founder of the Soviet school of biological cybernetics and biotechnical systems and technologies, Axel Ivanovich Berg, was a thousand times right when he said: “There are no uninteresting professions. There are only passive people who are incapable of getting excited about what is in front of them.” Each speaker spoke about their work in a way that only confirmed these words

They inspired future graduates and sparked their interest in various professions – only time will tell. However, it is certain that the event left no one indifferent, as evidenced by the attentiveness with which the audience listened to the presentations.

t should also be emphasized the well-thought-out organization of the event, the wide range of invited guests representing various sectors of production, and the alternation of these speeches with songs, dances, and a lively flash mob…

Guests from the Department of Education and production companies were presented with letters of thanks from the leadership of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University.

We hope that the Year of Skilled Trades, declared by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, K.K. Tokayev, will truly be a turning point in the perception of manual professions. And through our joint efforts, they will regain the popularity and recognition they once had.
