Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

like to invite you to the International Scientific-Practical Online Conference «The Formation of Intellectual Capital in the Era of Digital Transformation: Experience, Challenges, Future Prospects» that will take place on November 11, 2022 on the basis of the “Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University” NPJSC. 

The main conference themes:

  • Section 1.   Effective Mechanisms in Intellectual Capital Formation and Management;
  • Section 2.   High-tech Technologies in Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Construction;
  • Section 3.   IT and BIM Technologies, Energy, Neuromarketing;
  •  Section 4.   Innovative Approaches in Practical Problems Solutions at Mining and Metallurgical Complex;
  •  Section 5.  Application of SMART-Technologies in Industrial Problems Solutions

Working languages of the Conference are Kazakh, Russian, and English.

Please submit the following documents to the Organizing Committee by November 5, 2022: application for participation in the attached form; thesis report in accordance with the requirements below; antiplagiarism certificate.

Participation in the conference is free.

Publication of the ISBN Conference articles will be processed after the Conference in e-format, and will be posted on the website of the STU.

Materials for participation in the Conference should be sent to the email address: nauka-2050@mail.ru

Mailing address: 100012, Karaganda city, Nursultan Nazarbayev ave., 56, Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University (main building, 2nd floor, office 224).

Conference website: http://conf.kstu.kz/

Executive secretary of the organizing committee of the Conference:

Moiseev Valery

Telephones: (8-721-2) 56-52-34

Information letter
