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About SRI of patriotic education

In accordance with the order of rector of KSTU № 821 from 03.11.2010 “About events on establishment of Research Institute” was established SRI of patriotic education problems (By decision of Academic Board of KSTU, Report № 1 from 27.08.2011 renamed to SRI of patriotic education).
Objective of SRI of patriotic education: system and professional improvement of patriotic education process, holding of scientific-research activity on patriotic education and effective realization of Patriotic education model on example of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Objects of SRI of patriotic education:

1. study and generalization of advanced work experience in the sphere of civil-patriotic and ethical education for its introduction into practice;
2. organization of scientific researches in the sphere of patriotic education and usage of its results in practical activity;
3. involvement of students, undergraduates, teachers of university and Republic into scientific-research work on patriotic education;
4. prediction of possible results of work on patriotic and civil education on the base of adapted to concrete conditions of university to assessment criteria of its effectiveness;
5. improvement of methodological and infoware of functioning patriotic education system;
6. raising of specialists’ professionalism on educational work in educational institutions for account of professional development on the base of KSTU;
7. educating students of educational institutions as socially active citizen able to creative solution of personal and social problems in terms of civil society and quickly changing world.

Main directions of researches and developments:

-research of specific character of patriotism formation in terms of polyethnic and polyconfessional society;
-research of patriotism as sociocultural base of society consolidation;
-development of forms and methods of using ICT in patriotic education system;
-development and realization of projects on formation of Kazakhstan’s patriotism in the scope of Patriotic Education Model on the example of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
-development of EEP, video, printing products in scope of realization of patriotic education Model on the example of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
-development of teaching aids and methodological instructions on methods and forms of patriotic education;
-development and conduction of educational courses and seminars on organization of patriotic education in educational institutions;
-organization and holding of scientific-practical conferences, methodological seminars, scientific-research competitions, Olympiads and round tables.
