Excursion to the “Museum of memory of victims of political repression”

Administration for the development of  the Bologna process 06.11.2014 was carried out in the village Dolinka with the purpose of the excursion in the “Museum of memory of victims of political repression”. Took part in the retreat:

– 2nd year undergraduate students of  National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University in the direction of 200100 “Instrument building” Naamatov Arstan and Dudin Egor, who came to study at KSTU by DOUBLE-degree program of EDUCATION, according to the contract signed between the Universities “Agreement on the implementation of the joint Double Degree master program”;  

– 3rd  year students  of specialty  5B050700 “Management”, arrived in KSTU on training in the fall term 2014-2015 academic year  by the program of  EXTERNAL academic mobility from University of Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic) Cerca Raskova, Veronica Mazancova and Martina Bilkova;

– 1st year students arriving to study at KSTU from Jordan Mohammad Sulaiman Majed al-Ktaitat, Ayham  Mahdi  Karagedikli  and Tamer Abbad  Mahmud Muhammad;

– 3rd year student of the faculty of architecture and construction, specialty “Transport construction”  Zhantybaeva  Aigerim;

– 1st year students of military-technical faculty specialty “Basic military training” Bisultanov Ibrahim, Gataev  Damir, Parfenov Georgii, Russkih  Andrey, Seitov Amin, Serikov Darkhan, Ten Andrey, Tulegenova Camilla  and Chanov Michael;

– 1st year students of the engineering faculty, “Standardization and certification” Tatyana  Gordeeva, Bazileva Alexandera, Cabienco  Elena.

Accompanyшng persons:

Head of the DDBP    Zhautikova S.A.

Methodist of  IRD     Kasenova S.K.

