All-Russian scientific-practical conference

The  implementation  of provisions of  Strategy of  state  anti-drug  policy of  the Russian Federation”.

FGBOU VPO “Moscow state automobile and road technical University”  Volzhsky branch invites you to participate in upcoming events: November  20, 2014 in the framework  of  all-Russian science  Festival will be held VII student scientific and technical conference named after  Nikolay Vasilyevich  Popov  “Technique, roads, technologies: perspectives of  development” (, and on  November 25, 2014 will be held scientific-practical conference “Implementation of the provisions of  Strategy of state anti-drug policy of the Russian Federation”.  VII student scientific-practical conference named after  Nikolai Vasilyevich Popov “Technique, roads and technologies: perspectives of  development”, which will be held November 20, 2014  address: 428000, , Cheboksary, Tractorostroytelei, 101, building 30 (main hall), time 10:30-16:00.

November 25, 2014  FGBOU  VPO  “Moscow state automobile and road technical University”  Volzhsky  branch conducts all-Russian scientific-practical conference “Implementation of  the provisions of  the Strategy of  state anti-drug policy of  the Russian  Federation”.
The conference will be held at the address: 428000, Cheboksary, Tractorostroytelei  street,101,  building 30 (main hall), beginning at 10:00

Detailed information about the conferences You can see in the application.

For more information please contact International relations Department, office 309 a, the Main academic building.

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Annex 2
