International scientific-practical conference

November 27-28, 2014 Higher school of Economics and business at the Kazakh National University holds an International scientific-practical conference on the theme “Financial resources in the “Green economy” – a new paradigm of sustainable development”.
The aim of the conference is to discuss with scientists and specialists of the problems of transition to a Green economy and the creation of financial mechanisms of its development in Kazakhstan and evidence-based proposals for its use.

Objectives Of The Conference:

• The world experience, the collection and analysis of the results of the “Green economy” in the context of Kazakhstan’s potential.
• Defining the problems of the transition to a Green economy and ensure its financial resources.
• The socio-economic issues of stable development of Kazakhstan.
• Specification of the characteristics and difficulties of the development of “Green economy”.
• Defining the role of innovative financial resources in the development of “Green economy”.
• Developing science-based proposals for the efficient use of financial resources in the development of “Green economy”.
• Making the Recommendation of economic methods and financial resources to stimulate “green” investment, “green” business and eco-innovation in the regions of Kazakhstan.
• View questions regarding the report, audit and re-analysis of recoverable resources.
During the conference will be working 3 sections. Applications for participation are accepted till November 01, 2014 submission of full package data of the participant.
The decision regarding the well-equipped of the report will be communicated to November 10, 2014.
The Conference materials will be published in book.

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