1. October 5- 20, 2014 invites you to take part in International Conferences , Ufa.

2. October 23, 2014 Kostanai state pedagogical Institute organizes the international scientific-practical conference “Education in the modern University” , Kostanay.

3. From 29 to 30 September 2014 NOU DPO “Saint-Petersburg Institute of project Management”  invites you to take part in the International scientific-practical conference, St. Petersburg.

4. October 21, 2014 Czech research society  “URALIntellects.r.o”  invites  you  to take part in the VI International scientific-practical conference “Education: Traditions  and  Innovations”, Prague.

5.  until November 7,  2014 admission of scientific articles in the next issue №4(7) 2014 Republican scientific journal “Bulletin of the Karaganda state industrial University”.

6. until November 1, 2014 RK Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt ATA will host an international scientific and educational conference , Kyzylorda.

7. From 17 to 21 November 2014 Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics. VII International  scientific and practical forum “Innovative development of the Russian economy” , Moscow.

8. European Scientific Journal accepts research articles of high quality. The magazine is published monthly and available to all scientists.

9. 17 October 2014 Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and international trade invites to  the International  scientific – practical conference, Astana.

10. From 13 to 14 November 2014 East-Kazakhstan state University named after  Sarsen  Amanzholov holds IV Republican  scientific practical conference of young scientists and students, Ust Kamenogorsk

11. From 23 September to 18 October 2014 international centre  of  innovation studies invites you to participate in the absentee International scientific-practical conferences , Ufa.

12. From 7 to 8 November 2014 the organizing Committee of  the Technological University of Tajikistan invites you to attend the 5th International scientific-practical conference, Dushanbe .

13. 10 October  2014 FGBOU VPO “Mordovian state pedagogical Institute named after  Evseviev”  invites you to take part In all-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference , Saransk .

14. From 20 to 22 November 2014 international Academy of  information (IAI), together with the Kazakh national technical University conducts III  International scientific-practical conference, Almaty.

