Goals and objectives of the quiz
To identify the most gifted young people with the necessary knowledge and skills for solving problems related to the introduction of new information technologies.
The development of logical and creative thinking of students, a revival of interest in solving non-standard tasks in the field of programming, designing software systems and web applications.
The organizers of the quiz
LLP “PLUSMICRO” competence center EPAM Systems in the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Karaganda state technical University (Department of IP).
LLP “PLUSMICRO” competence center EPAM Systems in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The participants of the quiz
In the quiz EPAM Systems – 2014, can take part students of 1-4 courses, Karaganda.
The period of quiz
14.04.2014, – 23.04.2014,: Registration, Department of IS KSTU, main building
Or you can send your details for registration: full name, Institution, Department, Group, Telephone, email at the email address ulia_karimovna@rambler.ru
26.04.2014,: Solemn opening of the quiz. The competition.
26.04.2014: Assessment of works. Final results
28.04.2014,: Grand closing of the quiz and prizes.
Venue of the quiz:
Republic Of Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Boulevard Mira ,56
KSTU, Department of IS 200 (a-e) aud. main building.