The report of the Contest «KRG_80», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Karaganda.

Trade-union bureau of FIT from 12th February to 3rd March held photo contest «KRG_80», dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Karaganda. Amateur photographers took participation in photo contest, each participant has granted 2-3 work. From February 25 to March 2, an exhibition was organized in the underground passage between the first and main buildings, which represented 15 best works. In the underpass students gave their preferences set for voting stands for the nomination «Prize of spectator sympathies». Voting was conducted until 2 March in which all students and teachers of our University took active participation. Also works were evaluated by an independent jury composed of professional photographers and Amateurs.

By results of voting the «Grand Prix» was awarded to the student of 1st course of FEM Tregubov Pavel, the 1st place was awarded to the student of the first course of FIT Barinova Tatyana, the second place was awarded to the student of the first course of GF Suleimenova Aidana, 3rd place was taken by the first-year student of FAT Karamurzin Alibi and «Prize of spectator sympathies» was awarded to Barinova Tatiana.

The awarding ceremony, which was followed by a concert, took place during break in the hall of the first building of KSTU.

Karaganda state technical University trade Union of students and undergraduates of KSTU «Zhas Orda» the trade Union of students of FIT
