Publications are accepted:

1. Publications and materials are accepted in International scientific-practical conferences on the basic directions:

21.01.2014, «Education and teaching: theory, methodology and practice»;

11.02.2014, «Development of modern education: theory, methodology and practice»;

25.02.2014, «Priority directions of development of science and education»;

18.03.2014, «Pedagogical skill and pedagogical technologies»;

08.04.2014, «Psychology and pedagogy of the XXI century: theory, practice and prospects»;

2. Association of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the support of international partners assists in the publication of scientific articles of the Kazakhstan authors in foreign editions

3. Scientific and publishing centre «Articulus-info» invites researchers, graduate students, doctoral candidates, teachers of high schools, teachers, schools, teachers, teachers, workers of Pre-school educational officials, representatives of the professional community, leading experts of departments of education, representatives of the professional community, leading experts to sharing scientific expertise and participate in the preparation and writing of collective monographs, Cheboksary;

Detailed information can be obtained from Department of science

(main building, office 226).
