Head of the Center of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility

Rakhimbayeva Sabina Ermekovna

Position: Head of the Center of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility



Karaganda, 56  NurSultan Nazarbayev Ave., main building, room 241.

Tel: 8 (7212) 56-75-98, 56-51-97 (internal number 2048)

E-mail: exchange.center.kstu@gmail.com



2013-2017 – Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in the specialty “Life safety and environmental protection” (NJSC «Karaganda Technical University»);

2018-2020 – Master of Engineering and Technology in the specialty “Life safety and environmental protection” (NJSC «Karaganda State Technical University»).


Work experience:

2017 – 2020 – a specialist of the CICandAM;

From September 2020 to the present – Acting Head of the Center of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility of NJSC «Karaganda Technical University».



  • carries out strategic, current planning, control and monitoring of all types of activities and processes provided by the Regulation of the Center of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility;
  • monitors the state of all sectors of the Center’s work: the academic mobility, the internationalization and development of international cooperation, the development of multilingual education, the sector of international programs and projects;
  • carries out the control over qualitative rendering of the state services «Reception of documents for participation in competition for training abroad, including in the framework of academic mobility» in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • coordinates international joint educational programs implemented by university structural units.