PLAN Of students’ scientific research


Of students’ scientific research of the RL& C department for 2013/14 academic year




Evaluation of the performance

1. Forming groups SRWGroup of Russian Language «Oratory» 

Student Science Club «Lingua Discovery»

September, 2015

September, 2015

Ospanova B.R., Tazhibaeva S.М., Azimbaeva Zh.A

Beyskhanova S.A., Abzhamalova N.D., students of 1, 2 courses

2. The involvement of students in research work of the department (20 people).

During year

Ospanova B.R.,

Tazhibaeva S.М.,

Teachers of the       department

3. Organizing and conducting competitions and contestsOnline writing competition of Russian language among students in secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums Karaganda region


November, 2015

Ospanova B.R., Tazhibaeva S.М., Timohina Т.V., Taygakova A.A., Teachers of the department

Beyskhanova S.A., Izotova A.S., Zhdanova E.A., Suleimenova A.H., Dzhumanova L.S., PTS of department

University student subject Olympiad on foreign languages


Competition for the best knowledge of the Russian language.

March-April, 2016

4. Organization of department conference, devoted to Day of the languages ​​of Kazakhstan4.1. Conduction of Round Table «Russian language in the intercultural space».

September, 2015

Management of the development of languages,

Ospanova B.R.,

Aldyinazarova R.М.

4.2. Festival of Languages ​​”Language palette of Kazakhstan”

September, 2015

Ospanova B.R.,

Tazhibaeva S.М.,

Teachers of the       department

4.3 Competition of presentations «My institute, my specialty»

November-December, 2015

Ospanova B.R.,

Tazhibaeva S.М.,

Teachers of the       department

4.4 The seminar-training “Business communication as a means adapting a young professional”

November-December, 2015

Ospanova B.R.,

Tazhibaeva S.М.,

Teachers of the       department

5. Participation of students in the national contest SSR (3 works)


Ospanova B.R.,

Tazhibaeva S.М.,

Teachers of the       department

6. Participation of students in scientific conferences of different levels-international, national, regional (15 reports)

During  year

Ospanova B.R.,

Tazhibaeva S.М.,

Taygakova A.A.,

Teachers of the       department


