Internships in centres of Russia and Far abroad

International charity scientific Foundation named after K.I. Zamaraev with support of Dynasty Foundation announces a competition for the scholarships Fund 2014 for the passage of short-term scientific internships (1 month) in the large scientific centers of Russia, CIS and far abroad.

The competition is open to young scientists under 35 years engaged in research in the field of chemical catalysis and physical chemistry of surface, physical methods of research and related areas. The applicant can apply only for one scholarship of the Fund in a year or postgraduate scholarship or the internship.

Applicants may propose the place of their internship.

The aim of the training is the improvement of skills in this scientific direction of acquiring new modern methods of scientific research.

The size of scholarships for internships in Russia is 37 thousand rubles per month, for the far abroad – 67 thousand rubles.

Additional information can be found on the website:
