Dear editors and journalists!

Karaganda state technical university

Karaganda, B.Mira, 56

Tel./fax: 56-88-01


Informational message 

August 27, 2013


Dear editors and journalists! 

140 grants on personnel training in master course and 8 doctoral candidacy were allocated KSTU in 2013. August 26, 148 persons were enrolled at University’s postgraduate education. Karaganda State Technical University is one of the largest universities of Kazakhstan, implementing educational programs in 23 specialties. Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher qualification carried out by more than 50 270 doctors and Candidates of Sciences. On the initiative of KSTU Concept of modern postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed for the period till 2020.
Acceptance of documents for enrollment to the master course continues on a paid basis.
