ISM 2013


The XV International ISM Congress took place from September 16th to September 20th 2013 in Aachen, Germany. Delegates from more than 200 countries, including Kazakhstan, participated in this event. The delegation from the Republic of Kazakhstan consisted of KazNANS, D.Sc., prof. F. Nizametdinov, Cand. Sc. D. Moser and also of postgraduate students of Mine surveying and geodesy department of KSTU.

Международный конгресс маркшейдерского сообщества
Delegates from the Republic of Kazakstan and Russian Federation

The Congress served to push forward the science and transfer of expertise in the mine surveyor’s scope of work, in mining and the raw material industry. Germany with its long mining tradition is one of the largest and most competitive European mining region with a high economic importance. Germany’s mining technology as well as its top ranked universities and research institutions with their high international reputation stand for cutting-edge technology developed for mining and post mining worldwide. Beyond that, Germany is an important global player for research of renewable energy resources.

The speech of F.Nizametdinov

The detailed information about the Congress may be found here:
