List of treaties, agreements and memorandums with higher education institutions and scientific centres of near and far abroad
Volgograd state architecture-constructon university
Kostroma State Technological University
Siberian state automobile-road academy
Tomsk state university of management system and radio electronics
Peoples’ Friendship university of Russia
Tomsk state university
Kuzbass state technical university
Problem management Institute by V.A.Trapeznikov
Moscow state open university
Ivanov state energetic university by V.I.Lenin
Novosibirsk state technical university
St.Petersburg state polytechnic university
Moscow energetic institute
Siberian energetic academy
Siberian state industrial university
Tomsk Polytechnic University
Moscow state mining university
Moscow state university of technologies and management
Moscow state technical university by N.E.Bauman
Uralsk federative university by B.N.Eltsin
Volgograd state technical university
URAN mining institute of RAN Uralsk Department
Moscow institute of steel and alloy
Moscow state building university
УUlyanov state university
Orlov state technical university
Kalinigrad state technical university
Orenburg state university
Moscow state university of communication lines
Tomsk state university of communication lines
Siberian federal university further Khakassky
Kursk state technical university
Bratsk state university
All Russian scientific-research institute of technical esthetics
Tula state university
Geophysics Institute of RAN Uralsk department
Irkutsk state technical university
Moscow state university by M.V.Lomonosov
Omsk state university of communication lines
Siberian state geodesic academy
Moscow state university of geodesy and cartography
Siberian state university of physical education and sport
Orlov state technical university
Omsk state technical university
Novosibirsk state architecture-building university
Don state technical university
Lipetsk state technical university
Orlov state agrarian university
Penza state technological academy
Ural state university of communication lines
Belgorod state technological university by V.G.Shukhov
Siberian state university of telecommunications and informatics
Московский авиационный институт (национальный исследовательский университет)
Fraunhofer Institute
Technical university of applied sciences
HOCHSCHULE WISMAR University of applied sciences, technologies, business and design
Institute of geotechnology and mine surveying
НОК «Wiederceburt»
Jade Wilhelmsmahen Oldenburg Elsflet Higher school of professional education
Heilbronn University
Zittau-Gorlitz Institute
The Ukraine
Sevastopol national technical university
Donetsk national technical university
Dneprodzerzhinsk state technical university
The Ukraine embassy in the republic of Kazakhstan
Chernigov state institute of economics and management
Institute of open politics
Cherkessk national university by Bogdan Khmelnitsky
Ternopol national economical university
Kiev national university by Taras Shevchenko
The Ukraine scientific-research and project-constructive institute of mining geology, geomechanics and mine surveying of national science academy of the Ukraine
Louisiana technical university
Navoiy mining-metallurgical plant
Navoiy state mining institute
Tashkent State technical University
Shamarkanda Agrarian Institute
Great Britain
Bolton University
Rochester Technology Institute
Vilnius state technical university by Gediminas
Silesia Technical University
Czech Republic
Prague Development Centre
Czech Technical University
Belarus state university
Belarus state university of informatics and radio electronics
The United Institute of informatics problem NAS Belarus
Belarus state technological university
Belarus national technical university
Belarusian State University of Transport
Брестский государственный университет имени А.С.Пушкина
Витебский государственный технологический университет
Брестский государственный технический университет
Kyrgyz-Turkey university MANAS
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavonic University
Kyrgyz National Agrarian University
Kyrgyz National University
Tajic technical university by academician M.S.Ossimi
Tajik Agrarian University
Mines Nancy school branch of National polytechnic institute of Lorraine
Institute de Soudure Industrie
NIMES University
National University of science and technology
University of the Basque Country
Universita degli studi di Genova
Dublin Institute of Technology
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Almaty Humanitarian Technical University
Северо-Казахстанский государственный университет имени М. Козыбаева
Журнал «Горно-металлургическая промышленность»
Казахстанский горнопромышленный портал
The Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University
Акционерное общество «Национальная горнорудная компания «Тау-Кен Самрук»