Graduates of economic specialties!

Master course of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

announces admission of documents to the Master course for 2013-2014 academic year on the following specializations: «Financial risk manager», «Financial analyst», «Actuary», «Insurance business».

Term of training in a Master course of the National Bank on the basis of higher basic education (bachelor’s degree) – 2 years with a separation from manufacture at the expense of grants from the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on a contractual basis. Persons with higher education are accepted.

Admission to the Master course is realized on a competitive basis by the results of two entrance exams on foreign language and specialty.

Preliminary examinations on specializations «Financial analyst, Financial risk Manager», «Insurance business» are held on the following subjects:

  • macroeconomics;
  • microeconomics;
  • higher mathematics (basic level);
  • accounting basis.

Preliminary exams on specialization “Actuary” is held on the following disciplines:


  • macroeconomics;
  • microeconomics;
  • higher mathematics (advanced level);
  • accounting basis.

Following documents are submitted to the admission commission of the Master course:
• application to the name of rector of JSC KazEU named after T. Ryskulov;
• diploma of higher basic or vocational education with application;
• copy of TOEFL or IELTS certificates (if available);
• a notarized copy of work record card (if available);
• 6 photos (size 3 x 4);
• medical certificate form 086;
• copy of the identity card;
• a copy of a military card or registration certificate (if available);
• list of scientific and scientific-methodological works if available;
• cardboard folder;
• an envelope.

Admission of the documents is carried out at Kazakh economic university name after T.Ryskulov from June 20 to July 20, 2013.

Presentation of Master course of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

More information about Master course of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan can be obtained by the following address: Almaty,55 Zhandosov street, JCS KazEU named after T.Ryskulov,  tel./fax: 8(727)377-11-08, 8(727) 377-13-25, 8(727) 303-71-03, website:

