Educational material-technical base of the department is a collection of learning objects, material and technical means for provision of training of students on a speciality, and also to perform scientific research and training of scientific and pedagogical staff. Educational material-technical base of the department of Mining machines and equipment meets the objectives of training staff.
The lecture hall of the Department of “Mountain cars and the equipment”
Lecture-room (laboratory) of the Department are equipped with the equipment for the study of hydrodynamic processes and its elements, model оf petroleum base, diagnostic equipment, etc.
Model оf petroleum base
Training complex for hydraulics, German company FESTO
Undergraduates are working on an educational complex for hydraulics, FESTO
Two computer labs equip with with computers of the last generation, allowing to fully solve technological and engineering challenges. All computers equip with modern licensed software, an Internet connection.
The computer lab of the Department of “Mountain cars and the equipment”
There are the material-technical base In the machine’s hall. It has no analogues in the whole country. There are conveyor, oil-station and etc.
Treatment mechanized complex
Heading machine