To educate students is to diversify the personality of the future specialist with higher education, which has high culture, intelligence, social activities, the nature of the citizen-patriot. The main task – to create conditions for the active life of the students, their self-determination and self-realization, to meet the demand of intellectual, cultural and moral development.

Actual problems of educational activity:

– formation of personal qualities necessary for effective professional;

– to help students citizenship and patriotic awareness, legal and political culture;

– development in relation to teaching environment for students as subjects of their own development;

– raise moral qualities, intelligence;

– inculcation of skills management team in various forms of student government;

– preservation and enhancement of the historical and cultural traditions of the University, the Institute and the Department .

A total of 23 academic groups of the department of  MM and N trained 454 students. Educational work conducts supervisor assigned to each group. All groups are held weekly curator hours compiled according to the curator of the group at the beginning of each semester hours and curatorial plan adopted in KSTU model patriotic. Each supervisor is also exceptional work with the students, and it talks about the offense, the observance of internal regulations, the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, AIDS prevention, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, be prevented religious extremism.

At the Department of MM and N for the fall semester held one workshop curatorial hour: 11/27/2013, the – hour curatorial group MET-11-1 (curator teacher of the  Department of MM&N Zholdubaeva J.D.) on “Uly Otan sogysyndagy kazakstandyk batyrlar (1941-1945)”

In groups, the department is actively working with the parents of students through embedded in KSTU mailer ZIMBRA. Parents of students brought mailboxes and actively receive reports from facilitators for their children to study and fully informed about life, as an institution, and the university as a whole. Fall semester students’ parents sent 6614 letters (not counting the letters on the basis of examinations), representing an average of 345 letters a week.  With students regularly missed school, and their parents, individual work conducted by telephone, personal interviews, invitation to faculty meetings, where such cases are considered in detail and to such students to apply disciplinary measures.

Special attention is given to first-year students in the department, which is reflected in the organization of various activities for them to facilitate familiarization with the city (for non-resident), university, producing department, as well as facilitate the process of adaptation to the new conditions for yesterday’s students. For example, activists in conjunction with the Department of  Students’ September 2, 2012 took part in the conduct of non-resident students for a tour of the city and the university, “Adapter pervokursnika” (freshman Adapter), 13 September – introductory quest “Naladim svyaz” “(to establish ties).


 The participants of the excursion “Adapter pervokursnika”


Our students are active members of the Professional Union of Students KSTU “Jas Orda”, by which organizes and hosts a variety of events, both within them and to the scale of KSTU. For example, in September, students of our department participated and took second place in the contest, “What? Where? When “(22/09/2013), the poll conducted among residents of Karaganda, timed to the Kazakh language.


 Student Group MET-12-1 conducts social. interview on the day of languages


October 2, 2012 for the first year of the department and Institute of Mechanical Engineering was followed by a formal dedication in students, consisting of the official part of the concert and prepared by senior students of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering.

Close attention is paid to the department for students living in dormitories and KSTU & MSTU. In October 2015 the department faculty on duty in the dorms, students investigated the living conditions, found out the problems and difficulties that accompany nonresident students while studying and living away from their parents. 10/11/2012 the activists of our department with the Union Bureau MI hostel № 1 KSTU was held intellectual quiz “Voroshilovskiy Strelok”, whose main objective was the promotion of technical jobs among students KSTU.


Quiz “Voroshilovskiy Strelok”


Students of the department are actively involved in the organization of round tables and conferences to discuss youth policy and youth issues in Kazakhstan.

08.11.2012 year to identify talented students among freshmen students in the palace “Zhastar Alem” talent contest was held, following which announced the winners in various categories. The most talented group of recognized group 1 course of our department MET-12-1.

Гр МЕТ-11-2

Fans of MET-12-1

November 23, 2012 was carried out inter-institutional sports and  intellectual quiz ” Sila uma” (The power of the mind) which was dedicated to the celebration of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1-4 courses involved students of all institutions – about 40 people including our department.) The winners were the team of the team of the Institute of Machine Building and the Institute of Economics.

Сила ума

 Organizers and winners of sports and intellectual quiz

“Sila uma” (The power of the mind)
