
From May 14 to May 16, 2012 in the largest exhibition center of Astana “Stern” International Assotsatsiyey WORLDDIDAC in coordination with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan there passed the International exhibition of technologies for education and vocational training of “WORLDDIDAC ASTANA 2012”.
More than 70 companies took part in an exhibition from 19 countries of the world, engaged in development of the software, decisions in the field of information technologies, production of the various equipment for equipment of educational institutions.
The international exhibition of technologies for education and vocational training of “WORLDDIDAC ASTANA 2012” was visited on May 14 by teachers of Technological college at KARGTU.

The particular interest was caused by development of the educational equipment by the educational and methodical center at the St. Petersburg state university of telecommunications of prof. M.A.Bonch-Bruevich for specialty «Radio electronics and communication».

Full information the Loukas-Nyulle company about training systems in the field of automation provided, telecommunications, to automobile engineering.
The Phywe firm presented educational laboratories for profound studying of sciences – physics, chemistry, biology.
Interested offered NPP Uchtekh Profi of the Southern Ural state university educational laboratory equipment and visual aids for new specialty of college «Transportation and oil and gas storage»

On May 3-4 in Almaty passed the National competitions SIFE-2012.
Pupils and students of the Karaganda state technical university and the Technological college, the developed English language courses for children with a hearing disorder, including the sign dictionary became “silver” prize-winners.
The SIFE team KARGTA and shopping mall took the 2nd place. Edvayzer of Lysachev’s T.I team it is awarded by the diploma – the Best edvayzer of SIFE-2012

The second Republic student scientific conference “The Great World War by youth of XXIst century” took place in Karaganda State Technical University on April 27, 2012. Eight first and second-year students of Technological college by KSTU took place in work of conference, who raised in their scientific reports the problems of social-economical and  political factors of the victory of soviet people in GWW, having told about their relatives, who made the great day of victory closer. The leaders of scientific projects of students were the assistant professors of the chair of social-humanitarian disciplines of Technological college.

The Interuniversity student scientific conference “Innovations in technique, technology and education” took place in Karaganda State Technical university on the 19-20th April 2012.
The following students participated in work of section 18 ‘Phylosophy and social development” with their meaningful reports:
1. Dmitrichenko Anna (the student of group 9KGD-10-2e) – with assistant professor Natesova V.K.
2. Abdyhadirov Aset (the student of group 9KEP-09) – with assistant professor Tibatina T.U.
3. Ivanov Vyacheslav (the student of group 9KED-10-1) – with assistant professor Tibatina T.U.
The students of group 9KNG-10 Gonchar Alexandr, Ospanov Azamat participated in work of section №19 “The history of Kazakhstan”, their scientific leader was Andreeva U.I.
Our students notice that participation in scientific conferences help to the development of scientific priorities, communication with each other.

On 30th of March 2012 On 30th of March 2012 in Legal Academy “Phemida” was organized the International scientific conference of students and undergraduates «Legal and social-economic problems of modern society» in which took part representatives of student’s youth of the countries of the near and far abroad.
Representatives of our college took part in work of the International scientifi conference also:
1. Dmitrichenko A., Nalivayko T. (pupils of 9KЖД-09-2e group): About formation of institute of a mediatsiya in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. Abdykhadirov A. (pupils of 9KЭП-09 group, 9KЭД-10-1 group): Patriotism as means of formation of civil identity of youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. Briko A. (the pupil of 9KCC-09-1e group):
the Board and a sword are about the role of idea in the history
The organizing committee of the International scientific student’s conference noted substantial performances of pupils of our college, having awarded all participants and research supervisors (Natesova V. K. and Tibatina T.Yu.) by diplomas and letters of thanks of the rector of Legal Academy “Phemida”.

Competition of art creativity «Two stars»

15.03.2012 in Technological college in a palace of students of KARGTU competition of art creativity «Two stars» according to the plan of educational work of college was held.
For carrying out action the Professional office No. 1 is responsible
Pupils of 1,2,3 courses and teachers took part in competition, all 18 pairs acted.
Into structure of jury entered – Koshenova Gulnara Sayranovna rukovoditel of vocal studio Depertamenta of youth policy, the winner of many vocal competitions and college administration.
Competition passed at good creative level. Rewarding nominations: Gran at, 1-2-3 places and «A prize of spectator sympathies». The best steel manager Dementyev Yu.A. office. and Zhiyenkhanova Danagul studying group 9KAD-11-2, laboratory assistant Nerenberg A.S. and the pupil of 9KIS 10-2 group Weiss Anatoly which presented original, creative numbers.
«Prize of spectator sympathies» received Nerenberg A.S. and the pupil of 9KIS 10-2 group Weiss Anatoly where Anatoly was as charming Serdyuchka that caused a storm of positive emotions.
In college similar action is spent the 2nd year and becomes tradition.

January 31, 2012 in Karaganda, held a meeting to discuss the asset of the President’s Address to the people of Kazakhstan “Socio-economic modernization – the main vector of development of Kazakhstan.” At a meeting of the task identified for implementation in the region of the complex tasks of the ten directions, voiced in his address. In his speech, Director of College Koylybaeva SA noted that due attention is paid to the Epistle of technical and profesionnalnogo education. The main priority of the teaching community should be the quality of the educational process, which today is impossible without the introduction of advanced methods and educational technologies in close cooperation with social partners. Timely creation of a center-based KSTU modern working professions. The number of students enrolled on the orders of enterprises, today it is 18%. Through the work practice changes qualitatively the level of training, increased accessibility and prestige of technical specialties, “power”, “welding work”, “construction”. For the first time in college an independent assessment of the quality of electrical engineers carried out on the basis of JSC “Karaganda factory of electrical equipment”: graduates will undertake the case study, developed by the plant in accordance with the requirements for the qualification of “electrician”.

February 8 2012. in the working group was meeting in Karaganda RK Director College Koylybaeva SA took part in the discussion of development issues system Tipo:

– Training and retraining of personnel for the Tipo.

– Improve the system of financing.

– Consolidation and profiling Tipo KM.

– Involvement of industry associations to assessing qualifications.

Working Group was presented innovative approaches modernization Tipo. Particular attention is paid to the relationship of vocational education and the economy. The model of multi-level training of technical specialties in the “PL-college-university-employer” on a specialty: 1307000 – “Operation of the linear structures of telecommunications and cable broadcasting,” the example of the developed model, College of Technology at KSTU.

29 February 2012. in the Regional Governor’s office with the participation of Akim Kusainova AK, employees oblasnogo Department of Education, employers, directors of the submarine, colleges held a roundtable to discuss topical issues:

– Provision of labor market demand skilled personnel.

– The dual training system in Germany.

– New approaches in Tipo Karaganda region.

Director of College Koylybaevoy SA presents the experience of implementing a multilevel model of learning in the “professional college – college-employer.” Contracts with professional lyceums PL № 1, 3, 15, 30 for the passage of a training practice for working profession. Contracts for the passage of technological practice with 18 enterprises in Karaganda region, among them the largest enterprises:

– Arcelor Mittal Temirtau

– Karaganda metal factory,

– Karagandinsky plant electrical equipment “, etc.
