Scientific works


of scientific and methodical works of


for 2009-2011


Chemical natural connection. – 2009. – №1. – P.56-58. (Chemistry of Natural Compounds. – 2009.- Vol. 45, № 1.-Р. 66-68)
Кулаков И.В.Нур­кенов О.А. Турды­беков Д.М. Айна­баев А.А. Турды­беков К.М.Teaching aid. Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010. – 740 p.740
Егоров В.В.,Исин Д.Қ.

Name Kind of work Publishing house, magazine (name, number, year) or Copyright certificate number Quantity of pages Last names of co-authors
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Methane: the challenges of the real world collection The information-analytical collection.– Каraganda: KSTU publisher, 2009. – 39 p. 39
2 Synthesis and crystal structure of cytisine-N – (2-hydroxyethyl) thiocarbamide article
3 Synthesis of heterocyclic alkaloid derivatives of cytisine and their computer bioforecast article Report’s theses. “Actual problems of natural connections’ chemistry “. – Tashkent, 2009. – P. 322.
Кулаков И.В. Исабаева Г.М.  Фазылов С.Д.
4 Application of microwave activation in synthesis of known preparations of calcium channels’ blockers article Works of the International scientific-practical conference «Science and its role in the modern world». – Каraganda, 2009. – P. 424-429 6 Сулейменова А.А. Хрусталев Д.П. Фазылов С.Д. Мулдахметов З.М.
5 Features of oxidizing process course in a microwave field article Works of the International scientific-practical conference « Science and its role in the modern world ». – Каraganda, 2009. – P.429-435. 7 Khamzina G.T. Khrustalev D.P. Fazylov S.D. Muldahmetov Z.M.
6 Technological and chemical processes of machine building Teaching aid
7 Technological and chemical processes of machine building production Teaching aid Teaching aid / – Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010. – 728 p. 728 Yegorov V.V.,
Stupnikov V.P.
Isin D.K.
8 General metallurgy Teaching aid Teaching aid – Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010. – 775 p. 775 Yegorov V.V.,
Isin D.K.
9 General metallurgy Teaching aid Teaching aid / – Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010. – 781 p. 781 Yegorov V.V.,
Isin D.K.
10 Technological and physical-chemical processes of foundry production Teaching aid Teaching aid / – Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010. – 698 p. 698 Rybkin V.A.,
Yegorov V.V.,
11 Technological and physical-chemical processes of foundry production Teaching aid Teaching aid / – Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010.- 687 p. 687 Rybkin V.A.,
Yegorov V.V.,
Isin D.K.
12 Geophysical researches of coal layers monography Monography. Karaganda State Technical University. – Каraganda: KSTU publisher, 2010. 254 p. 254 Kenzhin B.M.
Smirnov Yu.M.
13 Professional education of students of technical university at studying of humanitarian disciplines (on the example of history of Kazakhstan) monography Monography. – Аlmaty: Bilim, 2010. – 218 p. 218 Ferkho S.I.
Ogoltcova E.G.
14 Progressive technological decisions of extraction and transportation of methane monography monography. – Karaganda, The publishing-polygraphic center of Kazakhstan- Russian University – 2010 – 204p. 204 Portnov V.S.
Tatkeeva G.G.
15 The probable mechanism of anabasine oxidation with peroxide of hydrogen in the conditions of microwave activation article Works of the International conference “Science and education – the leading factor of strategy “Kazakhstan-2030”, Saginov readings-2, June 24-26, 2010. Part 5 – P.242-244 3 Khrustalev D.P.
16 Influence of orientation-polarizing effect of microwave irradiation on an example of Bidzhinelli’s reaction article Works of the International conference “Science and education – the leading factor of strategy “Kazakhstan-2030”, Saginov readings-2, June 24-26, 2010. Part 5 P. 297-301 5 Khrustalev D.P.
17 Gazaliyev A.M., Synthesis of thiourea derivatives of 1,3,5-trimethyl-4-aminomethyl pyrazole article Works of the International conference “Science and education – the leading factor of strategy “Kazakhstan-2030”, Saginov readings-2, June 24-26, 2010. Part 5 P. 231-233. 3 Isabayeva M.B.
Ibrayev M.K.
Yeskaliyev A.S.
Zhakupova A.S
18 Synthesis of nitrophenyl-containing 1,3-thiazolines-2-thiones by oxirane opening reaction with some dithiocarbamates article Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds. –2010. –№ 4. –P. 618-623 (Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. –2010. – Vol. 46, № 4. –p. 490-494). 6 Kulakov I.V.
Nurkenov O.A. Turdybekov D.M.
19 Analysis of the mechanism of formation of 1,3,5-triazine-5-thiones article Izvestiya NТО «КАHАК», № 4(29). Аlmaty. 2010. – P.55-60 6 Khrustalev D.P. Isabayeva M.B.
Ibatayev Zh.A.
Ibrayev M.K.
20 The synthesis of alkyl derivatives of 1,3,5-trimethyl-4-amino methyl pyrazole dithio carbamate acids. article Izvestiya NТО «КАHАК», № 3(28). Аlmaty. 2010. – P.24-25 2 Isabayeva M.B.
Ibrayev M.K.
Yeskaliyev A.S.
21 Synthesis of new biologically active connections on a basis of benzimidazole and benztiazol article Works of the International conference “Science and education – the leading factor of strategy “Kazakhstan-2030”, Saginov readings-2, June 24-26, 2010. – P. 233-236 4 Isabayeva M.B.
Ibrayev M.K.
Kokzalova B.Z.
22 Sulphate and amino acids in the synthesis of triazine article Works of the International conference “Science and education – the leading factor of strategy “Kazakhstan-2030”, Saginov readings-2, June 24-26, 2010. – P. 236-239 4 Isabayeva M.B.
Ibatayev Zh.A.
Ibrayev M.K.
Маlybayeva М.К.
23 New potentially bioactive derivatives on a basis of pyrazole and biogenic amines article Almanah sovremennoy nauki i obrazovaniya (Almanac of modern science and education). Tambov, 2010. № 9(40) – P. 59-60 2 Isabayeva M.B.
Ibatayev Zh.A.
Yeskaliyev A.S.
Ibrayev M.K.
24 Interaction reaction of monotioksamid with α-galogenketon with formation of thiazoles article Reports of the NAS RK. “Chemistry and technology”. 2010. № 3. -P.44-46 3 Zhurinov M.Zh.
Bakbardina О.V.
Ibrayev M.K.
25 Synthesis of thiourea and thiazolium derivatives of pyrazole article Reports of the NAS RK. “Chemistry”. 2010. № 5. -P.27-28 2 Zhurinov M.Zh.
Isabayeva M.B.
Bakbardina О.V.
Ibrayev M.K. Yeskaliyev A.S.
26 Training of students of technical programmes in bachelor degree article Higher education in Russia. MES RF. 2010. № 3. – P.138-142. 5 Yegorov V.V.,
Breido I.V.
27 Efficiency of estimation rating system of activity of teachers and university’s departments article Higher education today (Reviewed edition HАС of Russia in the field of psychology, pedagogics and sociology). 2010. № 4. – P.11-15 5 Yegorov V.V.,
Breido I.V.
28 Realization prospects of MS’c programs and programs of professional training with issuance of double diplomas in the framework of pilot projects of Shanghai organization of cooperation University. article Higher education today (Reviewed edition HАС of Russia in the field of psychology, pedagogics and sociology). 2010. № 10. – P.6-9 4 Yegorov V.V.,
Breido I.V.
29 The higher school in a context of Bologna process. article The higher school bulletin Alma mater. – 2011. – №6. – Р. 12-19. 8 Pak Yu.N.
30 Estimation of knowledge of students of technical university: the scientific edition article Academic Board. – 2011. – № 3. – P. 10-15. 6 Yegorov V.V.,
Abdygalikova G.A
31 The statistical analysis of mathematical preparation of technical university’s students article The Rector of the university.- 2011. – № 3. 8 Yegorov V.V.,
Abdygalikova G.A
32 Synthesis of nitrogen containing substances in the conditions of microwave activation monography Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011. – 354 p. 354 Khrustalev D.P.