Schedules supervisory hours

Calendar plan supervision hours for first-year students on the topic “The Republic of Kazakhstan in global politics” (2nd semester)
Name of Curatorial Training Hours Week
1 Role of the President of the NA Nazarbayev in the formation of foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Week 1
2 Basic principles of foreign policy Kazakhstan Week 2
3 The Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Nations (UN) Week 3
4 Of Kazakhstan and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Week 4
5 Interaction of Kazakhstan and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Week 5
6 International economic and financial institutions in foreign economic activity in Kazakhstan Week 6
7 Kazakhstan and the Organization “Islamic Conference” Week 7
8 Integration processes in the post Space. Union of Independent States (CIS) Week 8
9 Of Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Economic Community Week 9
10 Kazakhstan and the national security Week 10
11 Kazakhstan’s participation in the Organization of Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Week 11
12 Kazakhstan’s participation in the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) Week 12
13 Kazakhstan’s participation in Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Week 13
14 Initiative N. Nazarbayev on disarmament and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons in the world Week 14
15 The role of the NA Nazarbayev to create a positive image of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international community
Week 15
Calendar plan supervisory hours for second-year students on the theme “Historical and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan” (4 semester)
Name of Curatorial Training Hours Week
1 Bronze Age culture and tribal communities on the territory of Kazakhstan Week 1
2 The spiritual culture of the Turkic period in the history of Kazakhstan. Penetration of the world’s religions on the territory of Kazakhstan. Week 2
3 Medieval Urban Culture of Kazakhstan Week 3
4 The material culture of medieval Kazakhstan Week 4
5 Creativity bard in the culture of Kazakhstan Week 5
6 Kazakh epic as one of the major genres of folklore Week 6
7 The National Cultural Heritage of Kazakhstan: songs, stories, proverbs and sayings Week 7
8 Musical art and artistic creativity of the Kazakh people in the XIX – early XX centuries Week 8
9 The development of the periodical press in Kazakhstan in the XIX-early XX centuries Week 9
10 Development of Education and Science of Kazakhstan in the Soviet period Week 10
11 The development of literature in Kazakhstan during the Soviet period Week 11
12 Music and Dramatic Art in Kazakhstan in the Soviet period Week 12
13 The development of cinema and painting of Kazakhstan in the Soviet period Week 13
14 Development of Culture of Kazakhstan during the Independence Week 14
15 Globalisation and its impact on cultural processes Week 15
Calendar plan supervisory hours for third year students on the theme “Environment and Health of the Nation” (6 semester)
Name of Curatorial Training Hours Week
1 An environmental situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan Week 1
2 The consequences of nuclear testing for Kazakhstan Week 2
3 Problems of Lake Balkhash Week 3
4 The problem of the Aral Sea Week 4
5 Environmental problems of the Caspian Sea Week 5
6 Problems of transboundary rivers Week 6
7 Baikonur and its impact on the environment Week 7
8 Effect of military sites on the environment Week 8
9 Waste-free manufacturing – as a factor in solving environmental problems Week 9
10 Prevention of drug abuse and smoking Week 10
11 Prevention of HIV / AIDS prevention and STD Week 11
12 Prevention of alcohol abuse among young people Week 12
13 Healthy Family – Healthy Nation Week 13
14 Proper and balanced diet – the basis of health Week 14
15 Healthy Lifestyles Week Week 15