Kabikenov Sapar – Candidate of Technical Sciences, the associate professor

22Education – the highest, in 1976 I graduated with honors from the Karaganda polytechnical institute  in “Motor transport”, qualification – the mechanical engineer of the motor transport. Of 1976 for 1978 worked as the chief mechanical engineer of the Head motor depot of autoassociation of Kazmedstroy trust. From 1978 to 1980 I worked as the assistant to Motor transport chair of the Dzhezkazgan branch of KARPTI. Since 1980 the trainee-researcher, and then the graduate student of internal postgraduate study on Moscow Automobile and Road Institute (MARI) Operation of the Motor Transport chair. In 1987 I defended the dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in MADI (Moscow). From 1884 to 1989 I worked as the senior lecturer at Motor transport chair of the Dzhezkazgan branch of KARPTI. Since 1989 “Motor transport” of KSTUworked as the assistant, the senior lecturer and the associate professor. In 1989 I received an honorary title of the associate professor “Motor transport”. Now teaches disciplines: “Bases of technical operation of transport equipment”, “Reliability of transport equipment”, etc. for students of specialties 5B071300 and 5B090100 of the day, reduced and accelerated forms of education. On chair by it are published a number of educational and methodical and electronic resources. Are the author more than 150 scientific works.


Intykov Tokmirza – Candidate of technical sciences, the professor of the department chair of TE and OM, dekan of TRF

10I graduated from the Karaganda polytechnical institute majoring in “Motor transport” in 1967, the associate professor “Motor transport”. Works in KSTU since 1968. After the termination of target postgraduate study and successful protection of the master’s thesis at the Moscow automobile and road institute in 1974, for a long time I worked as the dean of the correspondence, preparatory and transport and road faculties, I managed Motor transport chair. From 1994 to 1999 the lieutenant colonel in resignation worked at the Karaganda higher school of committee of national security Republik of Kazakhstan. Since February, 2000 “Motor transport” works as the associate professor. Conducts classes in three disciplines: “Traffic organization”, “Safety of vehicles”, “Motor transportation psychology”. Author of 40 articles, two manuals, coauthor of the electronic textbook. Executive director of public fund “Association of Graduates and Teachers of KSTU”.


Glotov Boris – Doctor of technical sciences, the professor

glotov He is a specialist in creation and research of HPS connecting with manual machines strike action.
He is a teacher of next disciplines: «Power installations of transport technics», «Base chassis of transport technics», «Bases of patent researches».





Kadyrov Adil  – Doctor of technical sciences, the professor

kadyrov He is a specialist in creation and research of parts of earthmoving machines in force and technology of building manufacture.
He is a teacher of next disciplines: «Bases of scientific researches», «Forecasting and an expert estimation», «Methodology and methods of scientific researches».





Aubekerov Nariman – Candidate of Technical Sciences, the professor 

20Works at chair since 1967 in positions of the senior lecturer, the associate professor, the department chair, the professor. In 1993 it organized “Automotive Industry and Technical Operation of Cars” chair in KAZATK. Since 2002 works as the professor of AT chair. The author of 120 scientific works, including 2 copyright certificates, 5 manuals according to the theory, bases of designing and calculation, reliability of cars. In educational process more than 90 educational and methodical development is introduced. Under its management the model laboratory base is created. Co-director of 5 master’s theses. 142 scientific works, including 2 copyright certificates, 7 manuals, 3 Gosstandart of the higher education, 4 standard training programs, 98 methodical development.



Aliev Zhenis – Candidate of Technical Sciences, the professor

_DSC3573After the termination in 1967 of the Moscow institute of engineers of transport  I began work in KARPTI the assistant. In 1968 I arrived in internal postgraduate study of the Karaganda polytechnical institute after which termination in 1971 I defended the master’s dissertation. Since 1971 to the present consistently I worked as the assistant, the senior teacher, the associate professor, the professor and the head of the department. In 1976-1983 and 1987-1997 it was chosen and I worked as the dean of transport and road faculty of university. From 1991 to June, 2008 I managed chair of the motor transport. Since 1975 member of academic councils of institute (university) and transport and road faculty. In 2001 the academic rank of professor KSTU is appropriated. During work in KSTU actively I participated in teaching and educational, scientific and public work. Constantly I took part in all actions of higher education institution, faculty. It published 92 scientific works, including 9 copyright certificates and the patent for the invention, 6 manuals are published. Is the developer and the coauthor of the state obligatory standards on the engineering specialties “Cars and Automobile Economy” 1994, 2000, 2002, a bachelor degree on the specialties “Transport, Transport Equipment and Technologies” and “Organization of Transportations, Movements and Transport Operation” of 2004 and 2006, and also the state obligatory standards of a magistracy of 2004 and 2006 on these specialties, 8 standard training programs of the disciplines approved by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2006. Is the member of Republican educational and methodical Council for transport specialties. For operating time it was repeatedly encouraged with the higher education institution management, it was brought on an honor roll of higher education institution, faculty. It is awarded by the sign Excellent Student of Education Kazakh the Soviet Socialist Republic, a medal in honor of the 10 anniversary of the constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, diplomas Ministry of  Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Zhakenov Bulat Candidate of Technical Sciences, the professor 

ЖакеновWorks in KSTU since 1973, in 1982 I defended the dissertation in SIBADI (Omsk, Russia), the associate professor – since 1987. Many years, being the manager of chair branch in Buss fleet № 3, successfully gives lecture, laboratory and practical classes in the conditions of real production. Three manuals, the electronic textbook, video lectures, slide lectures are developed. Has the medals USSR, five copyright certificates.





 Ishchenko Aleksandr – Candidate of Technical Sciences, the professor

ishenko He has works in creation and research of equipment RBМ in force, the prognosation of machin building.
He is a teacher of next disciplines: «Swell-transport machines», «Transporting cars», «System principles in management», «the Organization of manufacture and management of the enterprises».






Bestembek Erbol Candidate of Technical Sciences, the professor

bestemb He organizes the researches in creation of parts of earthmoving machines in force.
He is a teacher of next disciplines: « Basics of optimization RBM», «the Basis of the theory of automatic control», «Building cars and the equipment». Has published 22 scientific articles





Kurmasheva Bakhyt – Candidate of Technical Sciences, the professor

kurmash She holds researches in making design and working out bodies of parts of earthmoving machines for construction of the trench foundations.
He is a teacher of next disciplines: ” Mechanization of dip-discharge works “, ” Industrial exploitation of technological machines”, “Fundamentals of technical exploitation of transport technics “. Has more than 40 scientific and methodical works.





Smirnov Vyacheslavthe senior teacher

smirnHe has works in using machines and ground works and communal machines.
He is a teacher of next disciplines: «Exploitation of machines for earthen labors», «Public machines and service of car roads», «the Production technology and repair of transport technics ».





Pak Igor the senior teacher

2I graduated with honors from the Karaganda polytechnical institute in 1993 in “Cars and automobile economy”. same year it was employed on chair of the motor transport to a position of the assistant. During the period from 1994 to 1997 I worked as the deputy dean. In 2002 I received second higher education at the Karaganda state technical university in “Economy and management”. Since 1996 to the present works as the senior teacher. Is responsible for distribution of young specialists, and as the deputy director of institute. The organization of production and enterprise management”, “Traffic regulations teaches disciplines “. Methodical bases of preparation of drivers of vehicles”, and also economic disciplines of chair. Has more than 30 scientific publications, video lectures are developed.



Esimseitova Kadisha – the senior teacher

11In 1984 I graduated from the Karaganda polytechnical institute and I received qualification “The mining engineer-economist”. From 1984 to 1986 I worked as the rationalization, invention and new equipment engineer specialmanagement “Kazakhvzryvprom”, it was awarded by the certificate of honor of the Ministry of montazhspetsstroy for active assistance of rationalization and to invention. From 1993 to 2001 I worked as the teacher of automobile disciplines of the Karaganda polytechnical college. Since 2001 works as the senior teacher of TE and OM chair.




Kenesov Syraly – the senior teacher

9In 1986 I entered the Karaganda polytechnical institute on the specialty “Motor transport”. In 1992 I received qualification of the mechanical engineer. Upon termination of institute I worked in technical school No. 36, during 1993-2007 I worked as the teacher of the Karaganda mountain technical school at chair of automobile disciplines. Since 2007 works as the senior teacher of  TE and OM chair. I developed methodical development on course design in the state and Russian languages. Has three certificates on slide lectures and five certificates of KSTU on the electronic educational edition (the basic version).




Kutyenko Sergey – the senior teacher

15In 1991 I entered the Karaganda polytechnical institute on the specialty “Construction, Road Cars and Equipment”. in 1998 I received qualification of the mechanical engineer. From 1998 to 2007 I worked as the teacher of the Karaganda polytechnical college at chair of automobile disciplines. Since 2007 works as the senior teacher of Motor transport chair. Classification and the TT device”, “TT power installations”, “TT Loudspeaker” gives lectures on disciplines “.





Zhumabekov Aidar – the senior teacher

ЖумабековI finished KSTU in 2003 in the specialty 300440 – “The traffic organization”. From 2003 to 2005 I worked as the assistant, from 2005 to 2007 the teacher, since 2007 the senior teacher of chair. Gives lecture, practical, laboratory classes in the following disciplines: “Motor transportation psychology”, “Examination of Road accidents”, “Technical means of the organization of traffic”, “Safety of vehicles”.






Askarov Bakhtijar – senior teacher

1I finished KSTU in 2005 in the specialty 280540 – “Cars and automobile economy” with honors. In 2012 I graduated from a magistracy majoring in 6M071300 – “Transport, transport equipment and technologies”. Gives lecture, practical, laboratory classes in the following disciplines: “Power installations of transport equipment”, “Dynamics of transport equipment”, “Design of the enterprises of the motor transport”. Published are 24 scientific works, including 4 manuals .





Kyzylbaeva Elvira –  senior teacher

elvirI graduated from the Karaganda state technical university in 2005.
From 2005 to 2007 I taught in ITB college. Works as the assistant at AT chair since 2007. As the assistant conducts a practical training and SRSP on the following disciplines “Freight rates and cargo maintaining”, “Bases of the theory of movement of cars”, “Cars”, “Vehicles”. Has two higher educations: КSTU (2000 – 2005) in “Cars and automobile economy”; Almaty academy of economy and statistics (2005 – 2007) in “The account and audit”.



Kiseleva Galina – the senior teacher

18I finished KSTU in 2005 in the specialty 280540 – “Cars and automobile economy”. In 2006 I ended the courses “Accounting and 1C”. In 2012 I arrived in a magistracy in the specialty 5B071300 – “Transport, transport equipment and technologies”. As the teacher gives practical, laboratory and lecture training in the following disciplines: “Bases of technical operation”, “Technology and mechanization”, “Uniform transport system”. published are 12 methodical instructions, electronic textbooks on 4 disciplines .




Zhynysbekova Zhanarthe senior teacher

zhanar During the work on the department 15 scientific-methodical works were published. There are 1 monograph, 1 textbook, etc.
He is a teacher of next disciplines: “Dynamics of transport technics “, “Construction machinery and equipment”, ” Processes of remaking in life cycle of machines”. Also she hold a practical and laboratory lessons to disciplines.




Dyusenbaev Ermek – the senior teacher 

ermek He hold a practical and laboratory lessons of next disciplines: « Transporting cars», «the Organization of manufacture and enterprise management», « Labour organs and object influence».






Мukhtarov Talgat – the teacher 

13In 2008 I graduated from KARGTU majoring in “The traffic organization”. In 2009 it is accepted by the assistant to Motor transport chair. In 2013 I graduated from a magistracy majoring in “The organization of transportations, movements and transport operation”. The author of 19 scientific publications, is the coauthor of a number of educational and methodical development, including electronic educational resources. Has one copyright certificate.





Zhailaubekov Medet – the assistant 

7In 1985 I arrived in KARPTI in “Construction, road cars and the equipment”. From 1990th years many years I worked at the enterprises connected with technological cars on qualifications of the mechanical engineer. In 2011 it was employed in KSTU by the assistant to the department of TE and OM.






