
02Каlybekova Каlamkas Sagyndykovna

Holder of the chair of Kazakh language and culture,, ass. professor

She graduated from E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University in 1994 in specialty “Kazakh language and literature”. Corresponding member of the International academy of informatization. The author more than 40 published works, including monographs, educational study guides. She has gratitude from Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan, the certificate of honor from Karaganda State Technical University, appreciations from Management on  development of languages Karaganda area.


Candidate of Philology, associate professor

In 1997 she graduated from Zhezkazgan University n.a. О.А. Baykonurov. She has been working at KSTU since 2001. From 2005 till 2008 she headed the Kazakh language and culture chair. She has over 30 published works including monographs and tutorials. She was awarded with the honorable diploma  of the Department for languages development of the Karaganda region for active participation in the events for the purposes of realizing the language policy and for a great contribution made in the strengthening of the Kazakhstan patriotism and inter-nation concordance.


Director of the “Tri-Unity of Languages Center”

n.a. Sh. Kudayberdiyev, Candidate of Philology, professor

In 1995 he graduated from the Kokshetau Pedagogical Institute n.a. Sh. Ualikhanov in specialty “Kazakh language and literature”. In 2001 he graduated from the Institute of Urgent Education “Bolashak” in specialty “Finances and credit”. He teaches the practical course of the Kazakh language. He has over 50 published works including monographs and tutorials. He was awarded with the honorable diploma of the Department for languages development of the Karaganda region for active participation  in the  events for  the purposes of realizing the language  policy  and  for  a great contribution  made  in the strengthening  of the Kazakhstan patriotism and inter-nation concordance.

03Zhetpisbay Sholpan Ahanovna

senior Lecturer

In 1984 graduated from Karaganda State University namedbyBuketov E.A. on specialty “Kazakh language and literature.”In KSTU has  been working  since 1989. For many years worked as the deputy dean of  the Faculty of road freight. For this period of time she published 2 text books, 14 teaching aids, 2 electronic text books, 8 electronic learning tools,19 scientific articles. Now is responsible for management and quality system of Institute of road freight and the curator of the freshmen year. She was awarded by  the diplomaof  the Ministry of  Education and Scienceand letters of  thanks.

03Khassen Murat Abdirakhmanuly

senior Lecturer

He graduated from Y.A.Buketov Karaganda State university (1985),  Philological faculty, on specialty Kazakh language and literature. During the period from 1989 he worked in KarGTU, as the teacher of chair of the Kazakh language and culture, the chief of the same chair (1993 – 1996), the head of the center “Trinity of languages” named after Sh. Kudayberdiyev (2008 – 2009), at present time he works as the senior teacher of chair of the Kazakh language.Main scientific interests: “A technique of the Kazakh language in Russian-speaking audiences”.Has gratitude from MES RK, the certificate of honor of KarGTU, gratitude from Management on development of languages of Karaganda region.

03Baypelova Gulmira Sagintaevna

Superior teacher

She graduated KSU name of E A Buketov by speciality Kazakh language and literature in 1992.She is autlhor of 2 school-books, electronic books, educational-methodical insructions, electronic-study means, scientific articles. She was awarded by deeds and thanksfull letters.


Candidate of Education, senior teacher

In 1994she graduated from the philological department of KSU n.a. Е.А. Buketov. Since 1996 she has been working at the Kazakh Language and Culture chair. In 2004-2005 sheheadedthechair. In 2010 she defended her candidate’s dissertation. She is an author of 18 articles and works, of them 3 electronic textbooks, 1 tutorial and 1 dictionary.


Master od Education, senior teacher

In 1994 he graduated from the philological department of KSU n.a. Е.А. Buketov in specialty “Kazakh language and literature”. Since 1995 he has been working as a teacher at KSTU at the Kazakh language and Culture chair. He is an author of over 40 scientific articles and educational-methodological works.


Master of Education, Senior Lecturer

In 1995 she graduated from Karaganda State University of the name of academician E.A. Buketov by the specialty “Kazakh language and literature” with honors. In KSTU since 2000. She is the author of  3 study guides, 2 electronic books and 6 educational guidance. Published more than 30 scientific articles. She has gratitude and honorary diploma from KSTU anddepartment of language development of Karaganda region.

03Sagatova Gulmira Kanatovna

Master of Education, Senior Lecturer

In 2003 she graduated from the Kazakh Russian University in the Kazakh language and literature.Master of  Education. Conducts workshops Author of more than 30 published works. Awarded with certificates and letters of appreciation.



I ended the Karaganda State University named by E.A. Buketov in «The Kazakh language and literature». I published over 30 scientific, educational and methodical developments. Conducts practical trainings of «The Kazakh language» and «Professional Kazakh language». She is the curator. She has also a qualification of engineer-technologist.She is noted by gratitudes and deeds from University Administration, Management on development of languages and Labor unionof education and scienceworkers of the Karaganda region.

 03Nurzhanova Karlyzash Kanagatovna 

Master of Education, Senior Lecturer

She graduated from E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University in 2007 in specialty “Kazakh language and literature”. Master of Education. The author more than 35 published works, including monograph, 2 manuals, 6 electronic books, 2 educational study guides. She has gratitude and the certificate of honor from Karaganda State Technical University, appreciations from Management on  development of languages Karaganda area.

111Kuleimenova Laila Madenietkyzy

Master of Education, Senior Lecturer

She had graduated RSE “Academician Y.A. Buketov Karaganda State University” in specialty “The Kazakh language and literature”(2001 year). She has worked in Karaganda State Technical University since 2005 year. In 2013 year by the authority of the State Attestation Commission The Central Kazakhstan Academy confers upon Kuleimenova Laila the academic degree of master of Pedagogical sciences in specialty 6M011700 “The Kazakh language and literature”, also teach a practical class in Kazakh language. The author of 18 field of learning, 3 methodical benefits, 2 electronic-books, 2 videotape lectures, 5 slide-lectures.

_DSC2987Ospangalieva Mendikul Tuleutaevna

Master of Education, Senior Lecturer

She graduated from KSU E.A. Buketova in 2004 in ” Kazakh language and literature .” In 2011 she entered the University of Central Kazakhstan ” KGTI – Lingua ” Masters , in 2013 graduated from the Master’s degree 6M011700 “Kazakh language and literature” and awarded the degree of Master of Education . From 2000 to 2007 worked as a senior laboratory assistant KYaiK KSTU. Since 2007 Teaches practical course of the Kazakh language . Is the author of four textbooks email , 8 slide lectures and 3 video lectures, presentation 1 and 2 guidelines . Has several articles in international , respulikanskih , university conferences.

1234Smagulova Nurbibi Absadykovna


She finished Jezkazgan’s teacher’s university by speciality “Philology” in 1990 and Jezkazgan’s A.O.Baikonurov’s university by speciality “Kazakh language and literature at schools without Kazakh language teaching” in 2002. The author of 10 scientific publications and 2 educational benefit. Was awarded of honorable certificate “The best teacher” on the republican level. Was encouraged with gratefulness and honorable certificates by  the KarGTU’s rector and the director of college.

C360_2014-04-29-09-48-12-853Ergazy Akmaral 


 01Zupiyanova Saya Tolegenovna 

