Zhetesova Gulnara Santaevna
Born in 1961, Kazakh, higher education, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Department of institu-blowing, “Mechanical Engineering” Karaganda th State Technical University.
She graduated in 1983, the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, “Technology of mechanical engineering, machine tools and instruments”.
After graduation she worked with GG 1983-1994 Novo-Karaganda machine works in a department chief technologist. On September 1, 1994. and is currently working as an assistant, senior teacher, lecturer, of the professor and head of the department “Technology of mechanical engineering,” Karaganda State Technical University. Total experience 31 years experience ne-Pedagogical activities for 15 years.
During his work at the university conducted lectures, practical and la boratornye training courses on “Fundamentals of automation and automation of the productive processes”, “Design of machine-assembling sites and shops,” “Slide matizirovannoe design companies.” Manages computer-governmental educational, informational and industrial practices. Prepared textbooks, manuals and e-nye textbooks for the course “Fundamentals of automation and automation of manufacturing processes function”, “Design of machine-assembling sites and shops,” “Computer-aided design companies”, “Fundamentals interchangeably-complementarity.”
September 10, 1998 defended her dissertation at the Karaganda state-Venn Technical University for the degree of candidate of technical on-yk specialty 5.5.06-mountain machine on “Study and the selection con-constructively and operational parameters powered supports.” October 24, 2000 decision of the HAC Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Ka-zahstan awarded the rank of assistant professor in the specialty “Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science.” In January 2006, at Karaganda State Technical-versity defended her thesis on “Improving the strength calculation methods for powered supports” for the degree of Doc-tor of Science degree in 5.5.06-mining machines.
She has participated in research on the following fundamental and applied scientific and technical programs. Chick is the develop-state educational standards 1, 2 and 3 generations of undergraduate and graduate degree in “Engineering” and more than 30 types of training programs. Received training and appropriate training of Experts auditors to verify the quality management systems for compliance with international standards ISO 9000:2000 series of MS, an internal auditor and QMS documentation normokontrolerom KSTU. She has participated and is a developer of quality management systems for more than 10 institutions of higher learning (PSU im.Toraygyrova, KazGYuA, ZhezU, Bauman, KRA, etc) and industrial enterprises. Is the scientific secretary of the dissertation council D14.22.01 and chief scientific research laboratory of the department “Technology of mechanical engineering.”
During his time at the Novo-Karaganda engineering plant and Ka-ragandinskom State Technical University was not once-mechena of gratitude and honor. In 2007, Grant became the owner of “Ray-shy university lecturer in 2006.” He is Chairman of the Committee of Quality Management training KSTU, member of the Academic Council and a member of the dis-sertatsionnogo D14.22.01 Council, a member of the national advisory council on space technologies, as well as chief scientific research laboratories, “Automation of production processes using CAD/CAM/SAE- technologies. ”
Main area of ongoing research – development of the theory of strength calculation facilities engineering. Has over 140 publications, monographs, textbooks and electronic textbooks, basic scientific work and the development of the following:
1. Zhetesova GS The use of software applications in the calculation of the strength of steel. – “Izdenis-Search.” A series of natural and technical sciences. № 3 .- Almaty: Izd MES, 2006. – S.296-302.
2. Zhetesova GS Prediction of the limit state metallokonstruk-tions based on the use of CAD systems. – Journal of the National Academy of Engineering of the Republic of Kazakhstan. № 3 (21). – Almaty: Izd “Complex”, 2006. – P.50-56.
3. Zhetesova GS, Zharkevich OM, Eralin AN The use of applied programs for calculating and predicting the strength limit state metal lokonstruktsy. Proceedings of the seventh conference software users CAD-FEM GMBH. – M.: CADFEM, 2007. – S.263-276.
4. Zhetesova GS, Ants, OP, OM Zharkevich The influence of residual stresses on the strength of processing elements powered supports. – Science News of Kazakhstan. Scientific and technical collection. Issue 1. -Almaty: Izd NC STI RK, 2008. – P.82-88.
5. Zhetesova GS, Yurchenko VV Methods of selecting and compiling databases complexes that database. – Science News of Kazakhstan. Scientific and technical collection. Issue 1. -Almaty: Izd NC STI RK, 2009. – P.74-81.