
Managing chair: Cand.Tech.Sci. Tomilova N.I.The assistant the manager. Chair: the senior teacher Sadanova B.M.

Year of creation of chair – 1972. The chair has been created under the name «Information and computer facilities» (ICF). Its first manager was Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior lecturer Arakelov V. N.

Since 1985 on 1989. Chair IVT managed Cand.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer I.S.Bajtleuov.

In 1986 the chair has received the new name – «the Automated information systems».

With 1989. On 2001. Chair AIS managed Cand.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer G.M.Shishljannikov.

Since 2001 on 2009. Chair managed Dr.Tech.Sci., prof. V.V.Yavorsky.

Since 2009 on 2013. Chair CF and S managed prof., Dr.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer Kogaj G. D.

In 2009. Chair AIS is divided on two: chair «Computer facilities and the software» (CF and S) and chair «Information systems» (IS).

The manager fulfills duties. chair  CF and S Cand.Tech.Sci., Tomilova N.I.

The chair of the automated information systems (AIS) the first in region has begun preparation of experts for the industrial enterprises, the scientific and design organizations of Kazakhstan.

In 1969 at the initiative of group of young scientists in the field of information technics (V.N.Arakelov, L.I.Kogaj, I.S.Bajtleuov, S.H.Esenbaev) the new engineering speciality «Automation and mechanization of processes of processing and information delivery» (AIS) has been opened.

Now supervises over chair Cand.Tech.Sci. Tomilova N.I.

The chair collective is engaged in introduction of the newest technologies in educational process. Training is conducted in the Kazakh and Russian languages.
