Students of Saginov Technical University completed training at the Republican School of Youth Entrepreneurship Enactus Kazakhstan Winter Camp

Students of Saginov Technical University Yerkebulan Nartbay, Aktoty Badambayeva and Samat Asenbayev studied at the Republican School of Youth Entrepreneurship Enactus Kazakhstan Winter Camp. It was held at the Tau Turan camp in the Almaty region.

Enactus Kazakhstan Winter Camp is an intensive educational program aimed at developing student entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan. During the camp, the participants completed educational trainings, got acquainted with the recommendations of leading business experts and exchanged experiences in the field of social entrepreneurship.

The event brought together students from various universities of the country who strive to implement socially significant projects that can improve the life of society. They studied the development of business models, the analysis of the needs of the target audience, attracting investments for startups, as well as the specifics of promoting their ideas.

Special attention was paid to practical aspects of entrepreneurship: The participants worked on real-world cases, developed strategies for their projects, and received valuable advice from experts. Mentors shared relevant tools that will help bring ideas to life, talked about current trends and challenges in the field of social business.

The participation of Saginov Technical University students in such events contributes to their professional and personal development, strengthens leadership skills and entrepreneurial thinking, and creates favorable conditions for promoting innovation and start-ups. This experience allows students not only to shape their projects, but also to contribute to the development of the university and society as a whole.
