On Wednesday, December 18, in Astana a Compliance Meet-Up for members of the Association and the community of compliance specialists took place. The results of the work for 2024 were summed up, plans for the future were identified, and current challenges and tasks of the compliance community were discussed with invited experts.
We will list only the key achievements of the Association of Compliance and Business Ethics for the year. More than 125 graduates of the National Chief Compliance Officer Certification Program, 324 publications on social networks and the media, 120 active members of the Association, over 25 training events: webinars, conferences, master classes and trainings, 15 concluded partnerships. Partnerships have been formed with ICA, the AML Academy and the AIFC Academy. A study “Portrait of a compliance specialist” was also conducted, a section on compliance was created in a book on corporate governance, and a master’s degree in compliance was launched jointly with Narxoz University. For the first time there have been launched the Compliance Award of the Year, 5 issues of the Compliance Talks Podcast.
A special moment of the meeting was the celebration of the 3rd anniversary of the Association of Compliance and Business Ethics.