Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University celebrated its professional holiday

On October 1, the Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University held a solemn event dedicated to a new holiday that has just appeared in the national calendar – the Higher Education Worker’s Day.

It is pleasant to note that now we have our own professional holiday. This is a well-deserved tribute to all those who work in the field of higher education, making a significant contribution to science and personnel training for enterprises and organizations of the Republic.

Chairman of the Board – Rector of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University Sagintayeva S.S. warmly congratulated the faculty, staff and students on the holiday. Emphasizing that this is a special day for all workers of higher education, whose role in the development of science, training of highly qualified personnel, it is difficult to overestimate. After all, it is they who will build and strengthen the New Kazakhstan. Appearance of the new professional holiday serves as a bright recognition of merits of workers of higher education. And obliges to continue to be on top of the challenges facing us.

As for our university, today it has earned the fame of one of the leading technical universities in the country. This is the merit of our entire staff of many thousands. It was, remains and should be the best, despite the growing competition of universities. We will strive for it and for this we have the main thing – the desire and a highly qualified teaching staff. The presentation of our employees in honor of the professional holiday to the awards of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan serves as an additional evidence of high appreciation of the work of our team.

Award badges “Ğylymdy damytuğa sıñırgen eñbegı üşın” are awarded to the professor of the department “Development of Mineral Deposits”, Dr. Sc. of Engineering, Professor V. F. Demin; associate professor of the department “Technological Equipment, Mechanical Engineering and Standardization”, Dr. Sc. of Engineering Beisembayev K. M.;

Award badge “Ana tılın damytuğa qosqan ülesı üşın” for a special contribution to the development of language policy and active participation in improving the field of language development – acting assistant professor of the department of “Kazakh language and culture”, candidate of philological sciences Nygmetova N. T.;

Badge “Ahmet Baitūrsynūly” – Acting Associate Professor of the Department of “Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines”, Doctor of Philosophy PhD Sarsenbekov N. Zh.

Also, a group of our employees were awarded certificates of merit from the Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek.

At the same time, the Chairman of the Board – Rector of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University Sagintayeva S.S. noted the most distinguished employees with certificates of merit.

By the way, among this group of awardees are not only representatives of the teaching staff, but also employees of other services, which, Saule Savetovna rightly noted, any higher education institution can’t do without.

As a surprise, the organizers of the celebration prepared video congratulations of the university graduates. There were warm, heartfelt words of people, already established professionals, who sincerely thanked for the school they went through at the university. What could be more pleasant for those who were involved in their education.

Of course, can you imagine a holiday without music? Our university has always been famous for their talents. This time they delighted the audience with songs and dances, which ended the day that left a vivid trace in the memory.
