National Engineering Academy of the republic of Kazakhstan announces the republican competition “Best Engineer of the Year” in 2024

The deadlines for submitting documents for participation in the competition is October 15, 2024, according to the participant’s application form.

  1. Requirements to the Competition participants

Persons with higher engineering education and a high level of competence, engaged in engineering work at enterprises, organizations and institutions of various forms of ownership, regardless of their age, position, academic title and degree, and having significant results of engineering developments are allowed to participate in the Competition.

Candidates for participation in the Competition are nominated to the Competition Committee by regional executive bodies, the management of regional public organizations, scientific and technical societies and other public associations.

When nominating a candidate, the following qualities of the candidate must be taken into account:

independence of technical thinking and readiness to develop new materials, machines, equipment, devices, technologies, possession of skills in automated design, design of machines, equipment and devices;

comprehensive training focused on analytical activity, flexible adaptation to changes in the content of professional activity;

the ability to freely express one’s opinions on technical issues based on scientific analysis and synthesis;

the ability to ensure increased production efficiency and labor productivity, rational use of production resources, high quality and competitiveness of products, technology, works and services;

the development of creative initiative, rationalization, invention, implementation of achievements of domestic and foreign science, technology, use of advanced experience, ensuring the effective work of the Organization;

the work on improving one’s professional level (continuous education and self-education).

2. Procedure and deadlines for submitting candidates and materials for the Competition

To participate, it is necessary to submit an application to the Competition Committee with the following accompanying materials:

submission (recommendation) on the nomination of a candidate with an extract from the minutes of the meeting attached;

information on the professional achievements of the candidate, containing an expert opinion on the level of engineering experience;

participant’s form (approved by the Committee);

a copy of the diploma of higher education;

a list of scientific works published by the candidate in print, a list of inventions, patents and rationalization proposals, etc.

a color photograph 3×4 cm (in electronic form);

diagrams, graphs, drawings, photos (at the discretion of the participants) illustrating achievements or developments;

a resume for publication in a booklet with brief information about the candidate’s achievements (up to 20 lines).

The materials for participation in the Competition should be sent as follows:

By post to the address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 050010, Almaty, Bogenbay Batyr Street 80, National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

By e-mail:

For inquiries, call tel/fax: 8 (727) 291-52-90, tel/fax: 8 (727) 2915190.

3. Selection procedure and awarding of winners

Review of documents is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by these Regulations. The selection procedure includes an expert assessment of the competitors by the Committee. A Competition participant can be denied participation in the Competition in the event of non-compliance with the specified requirements or provision of false information.

The results of the Competition are summed up at the final meeting of the Committee annually in the fourth quarter and are recorded in the minutes that contain the list of winners.

The winners of the Competition are awarded with diplomas and a commemorative medal “BEST ENGINEER OF THE YEAR”. The results of the Competition are published on the website of the NIA RK, in the journal “Bulletin of the RK NEA” and in the other information resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the names of the winners of the Competition and brief information of their achievements.
