Results of the VI International Distance Contest of Student Scientific Works “Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Technology”.

Every year, on April 12, the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Science Workers. On the eve of this holiday, every year in late March – early April, the Department of Higher Mathematics of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University holds the International Distance Contest of Student Scientific Works “Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Technology” among undergraduates and students of universities of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.

The aims and objectives of the contest are the development of intellectual creativity and involvement in students’ research activities, identification and support of talented young people; demonstration of achievements of young people in research activities.

In 2024, the VI International Distance Contest took place, with scientific works submitted by students from Kazakhstan, Russia, and Germany.

Two sections worked within the framework of the competition:

  • Mathematical and computer modelling;
  • Applied mathematics.

To summarise the results, a jury comprised of Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor S.Sh. Kazhikenova (Head of the Jury), Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor S.K. Tutanov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, acting associate Professor Abayeva N.F., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, acting associate Professor Zhurov V.V.

After reviewing the submitted works, the jury selected 23 research projects from the following educational institutions: Integrierte Gesamtschule Horhausen in Dierdorf, Germany; HSE University in Moscow; KNRTU in Kazan; Abylkas Saginov KarTU; Buketov KarU; Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz; Al-Farabi KazNU; H.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University; Makhambet Utesimov West Kazakhstan University, etc.

According to the jury selection results, the contest winners in the nominations were announced:

  • Karkeshova A. (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), second-degree diploma in the nomination “Actual scientific problems”, supervisor: Bekmagambetova E.K.
  • Epifantseva Alina, Orazova Kamila (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), Gnauzer Milana (HSE University, Moscow) second-degree diploma in the nomination “Actual scientific problems”, supervisor: Mustafina L.M.
  • Kuranbayev Egor Vladimirovich, Beksultanov Bekzat Zhanatovich, Kuzhel Ivan Alekseyevich (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), third-degree diploma in the nomination “Actual scientific problems”, supervisor: Abayeva N.F.
  • Seytkaliyeva Arna Yakhiyakyzy (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), first-degree diploma in the nomination “Applied aspects of mathematics”, supervisor: Kabiyeva G.K.
  • Vasiliyev Vadim Igorevich (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), Mazur Elina “Integrierte Gesamtschule Horhausen” (Germany, Dierdorf), second-degree diploma in the nomination “Applied aspects of mathematics”, supervisor: Abayeva N.F.
  • Beisenbekova Zamira Beisenbekkyzy (Buketov KarU), second-degree diploma in the nomination “Applied aspects of mathematics”, supervisor: Kazhikenova A.Sh.
  • Kapassova Aigul Kurmangazykyzy, Begim Ayiym Garifollakyzy (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), third-degree diploma in the nomination “Applied aspects of mathematics”, supervisor: Mergembayeva A.Zh.
  • Karavanov Maksim Antonovich, Razumovich Margarita Andreyevna (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), first-degree diploma in the nomination “Research work of applied nature”, supervisor: Abaeva N.F.
  • Omarbekov Aibek (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), second-degree diploma in the nomination “Research work of applied nature”, supervisor: Shaltakov S.N.
  • Ashenbrener Philip, Duchak Vladislav (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), Kocherzhuk D.A., Mikhailichenko N.O. (Buketov KarU), diploma of the third-degree in the nomination “Research work of applied nature”, supervisor: Akhmetov K.M.
  • Abdullayev Shukrullo Gulomzhanovich (Buketov KarU), first-degree diploma in the nomination “Mathematics in programming”, supervisor: Alibiyev B.
  • Shaltakova Ainura (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), second-degree diploma in the nomination “Mathematics in programming”, supervisor: Kazhikenova Sh.
  • Tsoi Artem Aleksandrovich (Buketov KarU), third-degree diploma in the nomination “Mathematics in Programming”, supervisor: Samoyilova A.
  • Asenbayev Samat Sakenuly (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), first-degree diploma in the nomination “Applications of mathematical modelling”, supervisor: Shaikhova S.
  • Mergenbayeva Ayislu Khalykovna, Abdulova Altynayi Kanatkaliyevna (Makhambet Utesimov West Kazakhstan University), second-degree diploma in the nomination “Applications of mathematical modelling”, supervisor: Kazhiakparova Zh.S.
  • Nurlankyzy Aikorkem (H. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University), second-degree diploma in the nomination “Applications of mathematical modelling”, supervisor: Myrzasheva A.N.
  • Sokolov Daniil Vladimirovich, Reshetnikov Ilya Sergeyevich (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), third degree diploma in the nomination “Applications of mathematical modelling”, supervisor: Zhurov V.
  • Ayidarbekov Aron Erbolovich (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), first-degree diploma in the nomination “Mathematics in the modern world”, supervisor: Abayeva N.F.
  • Smagulov Saniyar (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), Ramis Khafizov (KNRTU, Kazan), second-degree diploma in the nomination “Mathematics in the modern world”, supervisor: Mustafina L.M.
  • Tazhieva Asel, Ryaskov Alexander, Antonyuk Kirill (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), Azilzhanov Arystan (Al-Farabi KazNU, Almaty), third-degree diploma in the nomination “Mathematics in the modern world”, supervisor: Mustafina L.M.
  • Guzhakovsky Vladimir, Knashin Askar (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), Kaldybaev Aslan (Al-Farabi KazNU), third-degree diploma in the nomination “Professionally-oriented mathematics”, scientific supervisor: Mustafina B.M.
  • Yermek Abyz Almasuly (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), third-degree diploma in the nomination “Mathematics in the modern world”, supervisor: Kassymova L.Zh.
  • Yerbulan Ardak (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), second-degree diploma in the nomination “Professionally-oriented mathematics”, supervisor: Tuleutayeva Zh.M.
  • Ibraeva Alua, Sandalidi Evgeniya, Ibragimov Batyrbek (Abylkas Saginov KarTU), Arynova Anora, Lakova Anisa (Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz), second-degree diploma in the nomination “Professionally-oriented mathematics”, scientific supervisor: Alimova B.Sh.

We express our gratitude to the teaching staff of higher educational institutions for active participation in the VI International Contest of Student Scientific Works “Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Technology” among undergraduates and students of higher educational institutions, for high professionalism, creation of conditions for the development of talented and gifted young specialists.
