Regional seminar on the topic: «The problem of Kazakh-language content: solutions»

On 21/05/2024, the Resource Language Center at the Department for the Development of Languages of the Karaganda region organized a regional seminar on the topic: «The problem of Kazakh-language content: solutions», aimed at promoting the potential of the State language in science.

In order to expand the scope of the state language in the field of science and education, to disclose information about the contribution of university scientists to the development of scientific content in the Kazakh language, university scientists and linguists were invited to the event, reports were read.

The reports touched upon the development of the Kazakh language as the language of science and ways to improve its semantic quality, the combination of scientific language and the Kazakh language in a certain field of science, ways to develop professional terminology, and improve scientific content. University scientists and linguists, teachers of schools and colleges who attended the seminar made suggestions and opinions on improving scientific content.

The event was attended by a group of scientists and teachers from Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov. Dean of the Faculty of Transport and Roads Askarov Bakhtiyar Sharapidenovich made a presentation on «Professional terminology in the road transport sector: the application of scientific language». The moderator of the regional seminar on the topic «The problem of Kazakh-language content: solutions» was the acting head of the department «Kazakh language and culture» Khamzina Karlygash Mauenovna. Dean of the Faculty of Transport and Roads B. Sh. Askarov was awarded a special letter of thanks, acting head of the department «Kazakh language and Culture» K. M. Khamzinа, senior teachers M. A. Khasen, G. M. Abylkasov, teacher A. J. Abdikadirova received certificates.
