Students of the CST department conducted career guidance work in the Bukhar-Zhyrau region

On May 15, 2024, students of groups RET-23-1 Sergazieva Meirgul and STSS-23-1 Amantaev Alikhan visited the school named after S. Toraigyrov in the village of Botakar, Bukhar-Zhyrau district for the purpose of career guidance work. A meeting was held with 11th grade students, which was attended by 16 students. School teachers were also present at the meeting.

Students were provided with information booklets, shown a presentation about KarTU named after A. Saginov, and provided with information about the educational programs of the university for which enrollment is being conducted. A presentation about the CST department was also shown, information was provided on the organization of the educational process.
