This year, Kazakhstan is celebrating a big date – 125 years since the birth of Kanysh Imantaevich Satpayev, the great son of the Kazakh steppe, whose name is associated with enormous achievements in science and industry.

As we know that K.I. Satpayev is a professional geological engineer, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, president and founder of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, director of the Institute of Geology of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, and laureate of the State and Lenin Prizes.

As part of the celebration at the Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov at the Department of History of Kazakhstan, under the leadership of Associate Professor of the Department Khamit Kurentaevich Urazbayev, seminars were held (offline and online) on the topic: “Academician K.I. Satpayev is an outstanding scientist, geologist – an example of dedication to his work, the Motherland, and the people,” with the participation of students from study groups of the Faculty of FIT: BZD-23-1s, OP-23-1s, S-23-1s, E-23-1s, ARKh -23-1s, TT-23-1s, TT-23-1dot, E-23-1dot, BZD-23-1dot, S-23-1dot, OP-23-1dot.

Students expressed their interest in participating in the seminar, chose topics, and thoughtfully prepared reports. The topics covered both issues of geology, history, geography, and aspects of the current state.

In general, the atmosphere between the speakers and participants was friendly; during discussions, they listened carefully to each other, asked questions and complemented each other. In addition, all reports were accompanied by bright presentations and ended with a fruitful discussion in an atmosphere of positive scientific debate and mutual respect; the topics of the reports are relevant and encourage participants to analyze the political processes taking place in the modern world.   Photo report is attached.


Candidate of Historical Sciences,

Docent of the Department of History of Kazakhstan

H.K. Urazbaev.
